1. No conspiracy theories.
2. No speculation.
3. No info from unreliable sources.
4. What's OK: citizen journalists have already—for instance—made a map of the distance from the Florida church Trump visited on one of the likely Trump-Epstein visit days and Epstein's home.
5. Other examples of good investigative work: citizen journalists uncovered pool reports and a partial itinerary from the trip Trump made to Mar-a-Lago—a property Epstein claimed, to the tech journalist, he co-underwrote in 1985—the week Trump allegedly visited Epstein.
6. Understand—if you're media covering this thread—that like any responsible investigation we're *not* beginning with a theory, though strong evidence may ultimately produce an investigative "theory of the case." All we're doing is *testing* claims by an *Epstein agent*.
7. There are forms of evidence not "probative" in themselves but still useful as "background." For instance, a user who searched the Trump Twitter Archive website reports that on the days in question Trump was obsessed (among other things) with (a) Clinton, (b) the FBI.
8. If useful info is uncovered, I'll post it in this thread (after this tweet).
9. Be respectful—we're not here to toss accusations, but test a claim made by someone in Epstein's camp.
10. Info not from December '17 but still probative of the Epstein agent's claim is OK.

(1) Trump had ample time away from press to visit Epstein, as Epstein's agent claims occurred.
(2) Trump only had to travel about 1.5 miles to visit Epstein.
(3) More than 0.5 miles of his trip there would have been covered by a road closure.

The topics of those 12/23 tweets:
1. International trafficking ring
2. FBI
3. FBI
4. FBI
5. Stock market
6. Elections
His first tweet the next day:
7. FBI
He doesn't tweet about the FBI otherwise from December 22-25. And only once the rest of his trip (the 26th).
(4) The period of time investigators should be looking at is from when Trump left his golf course at 2PM on December 23 to when he began his "NORAD calls" (4PM on December 24). So, 26 hours.
Wow... it was just *yesterday* that even mentioning possible Epstein-MBS ties caused @thedailybeast and @NYMag to drag me.
You'll recall my tech journalist friend was told by Epstein that he was investing "$18 billion" for an oil-tied Middle Easterner—and I said the evidence pointed toward MBS.

1) newspapers.com/clip/33678208/…
2) miamiherald.com/news/politics-…

Caution: this needs to be verified. But if it's true... I don't know that I've seen many more shocking facts in my life.
I'll repeat that: 14.
Still think this isn't one of the strangest scandals (not conspiracies) in U.S. history? apnews.com/a456a7f5894a46…