, 122 tweets, 183 min read Read on Twitter
(CROWDSOURCED THREAD) Per a well-known tech journalist who interviewed Epstein in '17, an Epstein agent said—in the lead-up to the December 26, 2017 interview—that Trump had visited Epstein's Florida home a "few days" earlier. Internet: what evidence can you find supporting this?

1. No conspiracy theories.
2. No speculation.
3. No info from unreliable sources.
4. What's OK: citizen journalists have already—for instance—made a map of the distance from the Florida church Trump visited on one of the likely Trump-Epstein visit days and Epstein's home.

5. Other examples of good investigative work: citizen journalists uncovered pool reports and a partial itinerary from the trip Trump made to Mar-a-Lago—a property Epstein claimed, to the tech journalist, he co-underwrote in 1985—the week Trump allegedly visited Epstein.

6. Understand—if you're media covering this thread—that like any responsible investigation we're *not* beginning with a theory, though strong evidence may ultimately produce an investigative "theory of the case." All we're doing is *testing* claims by an *Epstein agent*.

7. There are forms of evidence not "probative" in themselves but still useful as "background." For instance, a user who searched the Trump Twitter Archive website reports that on the days in question Trump was obsessed (among other things) with (a) Clinton, (b) the FBI.

8. If useful info is uncovered, I'll post it in this thread (after this tweet).
9. Be respectful—we're not here to toss accusations, but test a claim made by someone in Epstein's camp.
10. Info not from December '17 but still probative of the Epstein agent's claim is OK.
EVIDENCE1/ The president's schedule shows he was in Florida, a few minutes from Epstein's home, from December 22, 2017 through January 1, 2018. (h/t @Goldsh0es) Link: factba.se/topic/calendar
@Goldsh0es EVIDENCE2/ Here are the president's schedules for the days that arguably fit the Epstein agent's claims: December 22, 23, 24, and 25. The president had no public events scheduled on two of those four days (December 23 and December 25). But Christmas wasn't "a few days" earlier.
@Goldsh0es EVIDENCE3/ On December 22 Trump got to his club, close to Epstein's home, at 2PM. He had no public events after that point, meaning that December 22 is also a viable day for a Trump-Epstein visit. On December 24 he was free approximately 9:30-10:30AM, 3PM-4PM, and perhaps 6PM on.
@Goldsh0es EVIDENCE4/ Epstein lived at 358 El Brillo Way in Palm Beach. townandcountrymag.com/society/money-…
@Goldsh0es EVIDENCE5/ Epstein lived *less than a mile and a half* from Trump. (Google Maps)
@Goldsh0es EVIDENCE6/ On the days he golfed, Trump was 6 miles from Epstein's home. (Google Maps) Note that the travel time in this picture is artificially augmented by a current traffic delay.
@Goldsh0es EVIDENCE7/ Here are the road closure notices for Trump's December 2017 visit to Mar-a-Lago (which help determine his prospective ability to move about on the island without much public visibility): webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache…
@Goldsh0es EVIDENCE8/ From the Palm Beach city government: "Cars and pedestrians are prohibited on South Ocean Boulevard from the intersection of South County Road to Southern Boulevard while Trump is at Mar-a-Lago." (See Google Maps, below.)
@Goldsh0es EVIDENCE9/ As we can see from this map, about 30% to 40% of the distance from Mar-a-Lago to Epstein's home was covered by the Palm Beach city government's road-closure notice.
@Goldsh0es EVIDENCE10/ So, what we have so far:

(1) Trump had ample time away from press to visit Epstein, as Epstein's agent claims occurred.
(2) Trump only had to travel about 1.5 miles to visit Epstein.
(3) More than 0.5 miles of his trip there would have been covered by a road closure.
@Goldsh0es EVIDENCE11/ Not probative, but useful background info on if Trump directed top staff to beware Epstein's team. In December 2016, President-elect Trump's campaign manager/top adviser, Kellyanne Conway, was photographed with Epstein's pilot (h/t @UNSEATpac). washingtonexaminer.com/news/pilots-de…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac EVIDENCE12/ It's interesting—if again, not probative—that one of Epstein's closest confidants got to one of Trump's closest confidants even *after* Trump was elected President of the United States, given that what we're discussing now is whether Trump and Epstein stayed in touch.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac EVIDENCE13/ Had Trump in fact "had a problem" with Epstein since the 2000s, and if he'd in fact been concerned about Epstein's ongoing infamy, one might think (or maybe not, I could go either way) he would've told his team to stay away from Epstein's people. It appears he didn't.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac EVIDENCE14/ Not evidence on the topic we're discussing here, but nevertheless just-breaking news relevant to this thread: the FBI is now searching Epstein's home in the Virgin Islands. More:
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac EVIDENCE15/ This user—and other maps—makes a case that, while Epstein lived at the end of a road, a few neighbors might've seen/registered their street being affected by a POTUS visit. We don't know who these neighbors are, or if they're on social media.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac EVIDENCE16/ Mind you, I am *not* suggesting that anyone reading this try to name these neighbors or their addresses. However, if anyone happened to already know their names and saw they had public social media posts from those dates, I think that is fine to note in this thread.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac EVIDENCE17/ (To be clear, I mean *relevant* social media posts—i.e. that are about a disruption on their street that they're registering on social media. There's no evidentiary value to random social media posts from anyone who lived on Epstein's street in late December of 2017.)
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac EVIDENCE18/ By the way, on the Conway selfie with Epstein's pilot, I agree with those who say it may've been a coincidence—that the pilot recognized *her* and asked for a selfie. We have no way of knowing if they knew each other or if Conway knew who she was talking a photo with.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac EVIDENCE19/ Not evidence, but background as to why a secret Trump-Epstein meeting in December '17—which an Epstein agent claims—would matter: Trump told America he hadn't spoken to Epstein since 2004—that'd be a *colossal* lie if they met secretly in 2017. businessinsider.com/trump-epstein-…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac EVIDENCE20/ Just before the likeliest meeting dates, December 23/24, Ivanka got mired in news involving a Middle East billionaire. Epstein told the tech journo he was investing money for a Middle East billionaire. Could be a coincidence. (h/t @ShotgunZen.) newsweek.com/ivanka-trump-d…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE21/ Here are *all* Trump's tweets from the 96-hour period we're looking at. It seems less likely he would've tweeted from Epstein's house—as he would've wanted it to be a quick visit—so this *could* help us track his "free" blocks of time, especially if they're long ones.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE22/ Trump's three Christmas Day 2017 tweets got cut off, sorry about that. Here they are:
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE23/ On December 23, far and away the most likely day for a meeting if one occurred—as Trump's schedule was open—all Trump's tweets for the day occurred in a very condensed period: 2 hours, 54 minutes. And it appears he didn't play golf that day. That's a lot of free time.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE24/

The topics of those 12/23 tweets:

1. International trafficking ring
2. FBI
3. FBI
4. FBI
5. Stock market
6. Elections

His first tweet the next day:

7. FBI

He doesn't tweet about the FBI otherwise from December 22-25. And only once the rest of his trip (the 26th).
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE25/ I mention this because Trump *does* have a habit of tweeting what he's thinking about *and* writing accusatory tweets about his opponents relating to what he's most *worried* about at the moment. Thus, after the bad Ivanka news (12/22) he tweeted positively about her.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE26/ Trump was slated to play golf for 5 hours on December 23, then for 4 hours on December 24. We know who he played with on the 23rd, though the event was closed. Did he play with the same guys December 24? What did he do post-2PM on December 23? golfweek.com/2017/12/23/don…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE27/ It's certainly *possible* that Trump played golf for *9 hours* of the less-than-30-hour period between 9AM Saturday (December 23) and 2:45PM Sunday (December 24)—but it's also worth noting that there are no stories about Trump's December 24 golfing or who he was with.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE28/ So, here's what we know (in addition to my prior here's-what-we-know tweet):

(4) The period of time investigators should be looking at is from when Trump left his golf course at 2PM on December 23 to when he began his "NORAD calls" (4PM on December 24). So, 26 hours.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE29/ During those 26 hours (2PM December 23 to 4PM December 24) the only time accounted for is 1.5 hours (9AM-10:30AM December 24, when Trump was on a teleconference with members of the military). If a Trump-Epstein meeting occurred, it was during the remaining 24.5 hours.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE30/ This roughly 24-hour period also comports with the representation made by Epstein's agent that Trump had just met with Epstein—as it'd fit whether the agent told the journalist the Trump-Epstein meeting was a "couple" days pre-December 26 or a "few" days before then.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE31/ Another question is whether Epstein visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago rather than Trump visiting Epstein at 358 El Brillo Way. We have no firm evidence either way, but the point is important to make for anyone looking for new evidence. The evidence *could* be at Mar-a-Lago.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE32/ @ShotgunZen is noting possible ties between Epstein (who Trump allegedly met with on December 23 or 24, 2017) and the company Ivanka suddenly found herself embroiled in a scandal with... on December 22. First of two tweets from Justin Yandell:
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE33/ Here's the second of two tweets from Justin Yandell (@ShotgunZen) on the December 22-24, 2017 connection between Trump, his daughter Ivanka, and Jeffrey Epstein (see prior tweet in thread for context):
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE34/ To simplify, this evidence seems to link Epstein to "Nes LLC"—also d.b.a. "Whol Jewelry/Precious Stones." Newsweek said Ivanka had just gotten embroiled in a scandal, the day before the alleged Trump-Epstein meeting, involving "small diamonds." newsweek.com/ivanka-trump-d…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE35/ This is a complex evidentiary chain—it'd need to be followed up on with much more research. But the ties between Ivanka's jewelry company and the Middle East—and Epstein and the Middle East—and Trump's December 22 tweet involving Ivanka, plus this data, is intriguing.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen EVIDENCE36/ Conway aside, a Trump 2016 chief⁠ stayed in touch with *Epstein* post-Election Day: Steve Bannon. In related news, Betsy Woodruff reported today that Bannon *also* stayed in touch with pedophile George Nader post-election (h/t @PattyArquette). pagesix.com/2018/08/11/ste…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette EVIDENCE37/ Of course, the Bannon-Epstein post-election link isn't probative of a Trump-Epstein meeting in December '17, but as I mentioned earlier, the idea that Trumpworld figures (even then-tangential ones) didn't see Epstein as Kryptonite post-election is potentially telling.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette EVIDENCE38/ More significant is that I've wanted to know for a year⁠—the whole time I was writing PROOF OF CONSPIRACY⁠—whether there were ties between the two Trump-linked pedophiles (Nader and Epstein), as the Nader-Bannon ties are *much* bigger than Woodruff reported today.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette EVIDENCE39/ The degree of separation between Epstein and Nader, after today, is one person: Steve Bannon, the former CEO of the Trump 2016 presidential campaign. That's a stunning fact, given the interconnected ties of Trump, Ivanka, Nader, Epstein, and Bannon to the Middle East.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette EVIDENCE40/ Okay... wow. Want to know how timely this thread is? The BREAKING NEWS in the NEW YORK TIMES is the story of *another* tech journalist (not the one whose interview with Epstein inspired this thread) talking about interviewing Epstein. Stunning. nytimes.com/2019/08/12/bus…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette EVIDENCE41/ BREAKING NEWS (NYT): Jeffrey Epstein "Spoke Often" with Trump and Kushner Friend Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), and MBS "Visited" Epstein Many Times

Wow... it was just *yesterday* that even mentioning possible Epstein-MBS ties caused @thedailybeast and @NYMag to drag me.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE42/ BREAKING NEWS (NYT): Epstein Told Tech Journalist He Spoke to Saudis About Investing in Tesla

You'll recall my tech journalist friend was told by Epstein that he was investing "$18 billion" for an oil-tied Middle Easterner—and I said the evidence pointed toward MBS.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE43/ We're getting *very* close to being able to say the evidence is *very* strong that Epstein was a money manager for Mohammed bin Salman (MBS). I'm not sure people realize the implications that this would have for ongoing Trump-Russia counterintelligence investigations.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE44/ The PROOF OF CONSPIRACY excerpt that I've asked Macmillan to publish tomorrow is about Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, MBS, and ongoing counterintelligence investigations. Given tonight's news, you're not going to want to miss it. A preorder link: amazon.com/Proof-Conspira…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE45/ UPDATE: I checked in with the tech journalist about the NYT article. The journalist says during the lead-up to the '17 interview at Epstein's Florida home, Epstein's agent said Epstein "often" advised Trump on foreign policy. This dovetails with the NYT breaking news.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE46/ Per the tech journalist who interviewed Epstein and described (just now) his experience in the NYT, Epstein insisted he was regularly advising people behind the scenes—including on international matters. Again, Epstein's agent told a *second* tech journalist the same.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE47/ With the assistance of a private DM, it's been determined that not only was the property across from Epstein occupied by his staff, but the one next to that was sold by Barron Collier II in April 2017. Details of the new ownership are public. floridaparcels.com/property/60/50…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE48/ The private DM also establishes that the owner of the property across (and to the left) from Epstein's is an associate of Trump Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, who also lives in the area (very, very close) and has been caught up in scandals. palmbeachdailynews.com/article/201204…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE49/ The upshot is that it's at least beginning to look like a Trump-friendly street/area, on top of the fact that Palm Beach shut down 30% to 40% of the 1.4-mile drive from Trump's Mar-a-Lago to Epstein's home at 348 El Brillo Way between December 22 and January 1, 2017.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE50/ So, to repeat: Epstein's representative claimed Epstein was regularly advising Trump on foreign policy—while Trump was president—and there's growing evidence Epstein was a money manager for MBS. Late December '17 was also a crucial time for the Trump-MBS relationship.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE51/ An investigator would say that we don't yet have material evidence of a Trump-Epstein visit on December 23-24, 2017; we do have testimonial evidence—but uncorroborated; and none of the circumstantial evidence makes a visit less probable—and all confirms it was doable.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE52/ PROOF OF CONSPIRACY itemizes how MBS promised Trump (with Nader as his rep and Don Jr. as Trump's) that he would help Trump win the presidency—and delivered on that promise. So if Epstein was an agent of MBS (managing his money)... that would change, well, everything.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE53/ The window for a Trump-Epstein meeting might have to open wider than December 23, 2017 (2PM) to December 24, 2017 (4PM), given a report that after his NORAD calls and media-reported dinner he went to a media-reported church service. It's the location that fascinates.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE54/ News of the service comes from Newsmax, a publication run by Trump's friend (and sometime Mar-a-Lago guest), Christopher Ruddy. Would love to know when Christmas Eve mass started, as Newsmax says Trump went home right after (12:30AM, the 25th). newsmax.com/Politics/trump…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE55/ You'll notice from the map above—Epstein's house was on the way to the church. Very on the way. So how long did the 4PM—December 24th—NORAD calls take? And when did the church service start? There may have been an opportunity for a Trump-Epstein visit between the two.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE56/ So the Trump-Epstein meeting window must widen. It was previously 2PM December 23 to 4PM December 24, but now we must include any period of time after the December 24 NORAD calls (which began at 4PM) and the evening church service—which we know *ended* at midnight.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE57/ Unless the NORAD calls went on for hours, and the Christmas Eve mass also went on for hours, there's an 8-hour window on December 24, 2017 (4PM to midnight) during which Trump's whereabouts are as yet unknown—but he was headed on a route that included Epstein's house.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE58/ I've done both criminal investigation and criminal defense work, and so far I'm *liking* the representation made by Epstein's representative as true—but certainly feel we need far more evidence. Is there enough for a journalist to ask Trump about this? Yes—definitely.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag EVIDENCE59/ Okay, thanks to @LBroylesy we have some evidence that Trump/Melania arrived at the church around 10:35PM on December 24. So from whenever the NORAD calls ended (they began at 4PM) to 10:35PM, you have Trump planning to go on a route that Epstein's house resides along.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy EVIDENCE60/ As readers of this feed know, Epstein told the tech journalist whose experience with Epstein inspired this thread that he (Epstein) and Trump were "best friends" for "years." On another website a web-user notes that Epstein said this to others (link in next tweet).
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy EVIDENCE61/ Well-informed news-readers will of course know that that (the excerpt from the last tweet) comes from a deposition in the Ghislaine Maxwell-Virginia Roberts civil case. You can find the quote—and more information—in the following news article: msn.com/en-gb/news/roy…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy EVIDENCE62/ A reader—@2cannan1—notes Trump, per CNN, placed a van at the spot media could catch him golfing at his Palm Beach golf course. We don't know if it was there December 23-24, but if so, it would've made knowing when/if he was golfing much harder. money.cnn.com/2017/12/27/med…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE63/ The reason an investigator would care about the route to the church, the road closings, the open schedule, and the blocking of cameras tracking Trump's time on the golf course is that these are all conducive to Trump easily visiting a location 1.4 mi. from Mar-a-Lago.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE64/ Simply as background, I'll note that on February 27, 2015 (see 1-minute video at link below)—about 100 days before he announced his POTUS run, and years after he'd decided to run—Trump seemed to be planning to use Epstein against the Clintons. archive.org/details/CSPAN_…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE65/ If Epstein told the tech journo and Roberts the truth, he was good friends with Trump; if his rep told the tech journo the truth, he was *advising* Trump on politics. We don't know if Epstein was a source for Trump's certainty Bill Clinton had "major" Epstein issues.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE66/ This is why the evidence (not yet any sort of conclusion) Epstein managed investments for MBS, and the evidence MBS offered to aid Trump in winning election (see below), and Trump being so *sure* Clinton had Epstein issues coming up, *matters*. nytimes.com/2018/05/19/us/…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE67/ This is just for background info: "But both men put Trump in the room with cocaine, very young women and underage girls, and rich, old men there to—pardon my language, but if the Times can say pussy on its front page, I can say this—fuck them." thedailybeast.com/inside-donald-…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE68/ Caution: I post this to ask others with more expertise to verify it. Epstein's rep says Epstein was a Trump Middle East adviser; this data potentially puts Trump, his best friend/Middle East adviser Barrack and Epstein in Paris in November '18.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE69/ I'm sure readers see the relevance of the last tweet. If Epstein was—as his rep claims—advising Trump, we might expect other meetups besides the alleged December '17 one. (Trump also—as PROOF OF CONSPIRACY details—has phone usage consistent with clandestine advising).
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE70/ To clarify, if you're investigating along with this thread, please post any evidence—that conforms with the rules of the thread; see the first few tweets—as a comment on the *first* tweet in the thread (my feed's pinned tweet). I might not see your evidence otherwise.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE71/ As PROOF OF CONSPIRACY details, the Trump campaign—from 2015 to Election Day and beyond—was secretly working with the Israeli and Saudi governments on a Saudi-Israel detente. So if Epstein indeed managed money for MBS, news like this *matters*: jpost.com/Israel-News/Re…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE72/ The preceding post is—again—merely background. Still awaiting citizen journalists to offer additional assistance with respect to the purpose of this thread: confirming or denying the Epstein camp's claim of a December 23-24, 2017 (~) Trump-Epstein meeting in Florida.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE73/ According to the New York Times (h/t private DM), Trump and Epstein's El Brillo Way neighbor were... business partners. That's a pretty good indication, I guess, that Trump would not have been worried overmuch about being seen by that neighbor. nytimes.com/2017/10/31/nyr…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE74/ Caution: Posting this for aid with confirmation. Private DM that was accurate with respect to other info says 343 El Brillo Way was for sale—and could've been unoccupied—in December '16 per Coldwell Banker. That'd be the other property with eyes on Epstein's property.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE75/ As any investigator knows, the reason to engage in an exercise like this is to *exclude* possibilities. This thread has been ongoing for hours; zero facts have emerged rendering a December 23-24, 2017 Trump-Epstein meeting impossible. All facts make it *more* likely.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE76/ When Trump bought Mar-a-Lago in 1985, he bought an adjacent property—or his sister, a judge, did—for $11.5M. The PALM BEACH POST said it was Trump's sister; the MIAMI HERALD said it was him. We don't know which purchase Epstein said he underwrote. Links in next tweet.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE77/ Links related to Trump's purchase of Mar-a-Lago, the site of Epstein's most newsworthy boast about Trump—that he underwrote Mar-a-Lago—to the tech journalist whose 2017 interview with Epstein inspired this thread:

1) newspapers.com/clip/33678208/…
2) miamiherald.com/news/politics-…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE78/ The Palm Beach clerk's office shows Trump buying both Mar-a-Lago and the address his sister purportedly bought on the same day (adjacent properties). That means he spent somewhere between $26 million and $30 million in one day on the two properties. See these images:
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE79/ Per THE NEW YORK TIMES, Trump's adjusted gross income in 1985 was... um... *negative* $50 million. So the notion that Epstein helped him spend $30 million on property in a single day at the end of the year (and that Trump needed that aid) is certainly not far-fetched.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE80/ In other words, there's no evidence a shell corporation was involved in either of the December '85 real estate deals Trump did involving Mar-a-Lago—so somehow a guy with $50 million in *losses* that year had to end up with $30 million clear to *spare* in a single day.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE81/ Obviously Trump could've been working from loans—so nothing in the evidence of the preceding tweets is definitive. We're just checking to see if anything in the records seems to preclude Epstein floating Trump a loan to help him buy Mar-a-Lago or an adjacent property.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE82/ Oddly, Trump looks to have bought 1125 S. Ocean Blvd.—the property his sister reportedly "bought" for $11.5M in December '85—in August '04...for $11.5M. So, she "sold" it to her brother for what "she" paid for it after 20 years of appreciation. pbcgov.com/papa/Asps/Prop…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE83/ Whoa...this is odd. If Epstein was telling the truth, he helped Trump buy either Mar-a-Lago or 1125 S. Ocean Blvd. in December '85, meaning he might've been upset when Trump got it from his sis in August '04. Guess when Trump and Epstein had their "falling out"? 2004.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 EVIDENCE84/ The @washingtonpost says the falling out was over *another* Palm Beach property in 2004. But if Trump owed Epstein money for either Mar-a-Lago or 1125 S. Ocean Blvd. in 2004—then took another mansion from him—it would've been a potential issue. washingtonpost.com/politics/donal…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE85/ Oh...wow. Remember how I was asking how Trump was so confident—in 2015—he'd get Epstein [possible MBS money manager]-related dirt on the Clintons pre-election? Well, look who his connect was: Pecker. Who was trying to go into business with MBS. vanityfair.com/news/2019/07/h…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE86/ PROOF OF CONSPIRACY offers evidence MBS worked with Pecker to "catch-and-kill" stories that could harm Trump's election. It makes the possibility MBS/Pecker planned preelection to help Trump get info on Bill Clinton—tied to possible MBS agent Epstein—worth looking at.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE87/ For those curious, here's the distance—4 miles—between the property Epstein claimed he helped underwrite in 1985 and the property Epstein and Trump feuded over in 2004 when Trump bought *both* properties (the former apparently "back" from his sister, a federal judge).
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE88/ (Of course Epstein may've been claiming he underwrote Mar-a-Lago itself—rather than the adjacent 1125 S. Ocean Blvd—by lending Trump money, but both properties are the same distance from Maison de L'Amitie, which Trump and Epstein feuded over per THE WASHINGTON POST.)
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE89/ According to VOX, Trump lied about why he and Epstein had a falling out—it was a Palm Beach real estate issue, *not* (as Trump claimed) Epstein making an advance on a Mar-a-Lago masseuse. So if Trump lied about the falling out, *was* there one? And when did it end?
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE90/ But by *far* the real money-quote in that VOX article—see last tweet—is the basis for the falling out per THE NEW YORK TIMES: "a failed business arrangement between them." That's *not* two men bidding on the same home; it *could* be Epstein having been Trump's lender.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE91/ THE NEW YORK TIMES says we still have no idea what the nature of the falling out was—but insists it was a "business arrangement," *not* rival bids for a property. That means America still has no information on how and when and why Trump was *in business with* Epstein.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE92/ I hope you'll RETWEET the first tweet in this thread—my pinned tweet—because this thread is about to go... off the charts.

Caution: this needs to be verified. But if it's true... I don't know that I've seen many more shocking facts in my life.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE93/ It's hard for me to succinctly explain why my last retweet might be the most stunning I've ever had the chance to offer. Deripaska and Rybolovlev are Suspects #1 and #2 for not just Russian election interference but *Israeli* interference—both men employed Joel Zamel.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE94/ So picture this—I'm doing a thread on the Epstein camp's claim that Trump met Epstein at Epstein's home on December 23rd or 24th, 2017, and you're telling me that the planes of "Suspects #1 and #2 in Russian *and* Israeli election interference" might've been in Miami?
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE95/ To stay within this thread's rules, I want to emphasize that a) this last fact requires additional verification, and b) it doesn't in itself prove anything, and could be—I suppose—just the most audacious coincidence in the history of federal investigations in America.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE96/ But do understand: the man who bragged to pedophile George Nader that he aided the Trump campaign pre-election, Israeli Joel Zamel—the man who'd asked Nader to have MBS and MBZ pay for that clandestine aid—has two "former" Russian employers...Deripaska and Rybolovlev.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE97/ Now that more than *16,000* of you have voted in this recent poll, I can reveal that 88% of you got it correct: Jeffrey Epstein had not 1, or 2, or 5, or 7, but *fourteen* phone numbers for Donald Trump in his black book.

I'll repeat that: 14.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE98/ I don't know Juha—so this pic needs authentication—but it was posted in October '17, so it has nothing to do with the current focus on Epstein. Allegedly this is Trump and Epstein's planes beside each other in January '13. Could be coincidence.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE99/ Remember that Trump swears he hasn't seen or spoken to Epstein since *2004*—while an *Epstein* representative told a journalist he was advising Trump regularly, so *any* evidence that the two men were in secret contact this decade *does* bear additional investigation.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE100/ What a stunning story to be bringing to this thread as breaking news in Tweet 100: "One of Epstein’s Guards [When He Died] Was Not a Corrections Officer"

Still think this isn't one of the strangest scandals (not conspiracies) in U.S. history? apnews.com/a456a7f5894a46…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost EVIDENCE101/ The information about Deripaska and Rybolovlev's planes was first posted *same day* in December 2017, so there cannot be any claim the news was prompted by Epstein's suicide. See, e.g., here (h/t to @Lift_Our_Voice for this great information): dailykos.com/stories/2017/1…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice EVIDENCE102/ I'd say this makes the claim by Epstein's agent that Trump had met with Epstein at his Florida home on December 23 or 24 just about the biggest news in America right now. I have to wonder whether the Epstein representative will be coming forward to speak eventually.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice EVIDENCE103/ Remember the evidence posted earlier on Epstein's possible link to an Ivanka scandal that dropped December 22, 2017—hours before the alleged Trump-Epstein meetup? Well—a home connected to that scandal was burned down...a week later (the 30th). gq.com/story/ivanka-t…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice EVIDENCE104/ (Hat tip to @fovillian for that last piece of intriguing background information.)
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice @fovillian EVIDENCE105/ Trump's December 24, 2017 schedule is getting clearer—thanks @Leannadana1 for the help. Per media, Trump took 6 calls beginning at 4PM; video shows they were short. Even if he then ate, he was free by 6PM. He didn't go to church until 10:35PM. washingtonexaminer.com/donald-and-mel…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice @fovillian @Leannadana1 EVIDENCE106/ So we can now clarify the window of time major media needs to be looking at: 2PM December 23 to 4PM December 24 (excluding 9AM-11AM on December 24), and then 6PM to 10:30PM on December 24. That's *not* a particularly wide time window for major media to look into now.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice @fovillian @Leannadana1 EVIDENCE107/ This thread moreover establishes Trump could've made the trip quickly and—it seems—in secrecy. He even could've made it on the way to church December 24—as Epstein's house was on his way. Does anyone doubt there's enough here now for major media to follow up on this?
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice @fovillian @Leannadana1 EVIDENCE108/ For those asking, though close, Epstein's home is in the opposite direction from Trump's golf club. You could go from Epstein's home to Trump's golf club and pass Mar-a-Lago, but you couldn't easily go to Epstein's home then Trump's golf course without inconvenience.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice @fovillian @Leannadana1 EVIDENCE109/ I mention this because some have said, "Couldn't Epstein have gone to see Trump at Mar-a-Lago?" And that's certainly possible, though I don't believe—I'll check again—that that's consistent with the representation Epstein's representative made to the tech journalist.
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice @fovillian @Leannadana1 EVIDENCE110/ This NEW YORK TIMES article confirms that the White House out-of-town press pool doesn't stay at or eat at Mar-a-Lago while Trump is there—suggesting that during open periods on his schedule there would've been no press to track his movements. nytimes.com/2017/02/17/ins…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice @fovillian @Leannadana1 EVIDENCE111/ One obstacle is Washington Post reports like this. Trump was done with NORAD calls by—it seems—4:30/5PM December 24, then ate dinner. So that gets us to 6/6:30PM? He leaves for church at 10:30PM. Does WP know where he was—or is this repeating a White House tick-tock?
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice @fovillian @Leannadana1 EVIDENCE112/ That said, the same story implies the press pool had rejoined Trump by about 10:20PM to go with him—presumably on a bus or something similar—for the *very* short drive to the church. We still don't have his location for 6PM-10:20PM (or for nearly all of December 23).
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice @fovillian @Leannadana1 EVIDENCE113/ Via DM comes this side-story: Ivanka knows Epstein's neighbor's daughter (which I note because an earlier line of inquiry requiring more research involves Ivanka—but also a query about whether Epstein's neighbors would disclose a Trump visit). zimbio.com/photos/Nathali…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice @fovillian @Leannadana1 EVIDENCE114/ Thanks to all of those who participated in this thread by either reading it or sharing it or sending in tips or all three. Imagine: if this is what a few folks online can do in a few hours, using only reliable evidence and data, what could major media do if it tried?
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice @fovillian @Leannadana1 CONCLUSION/ As I noted earlier, the next PROOF OF CONSPIRACY excerpt—an excerpt dealing with Trump, MBS, and Kushner—comes out today (Tuesday). What I did for here is 1/1000th of what I did to write PROOF OF CONSPIRACY. Hope you'll consider preordering it: amazon.com/Proof-Conspira…
@Goldsh0es @UNSEATpac @ShotgunZen @PattyArquette @thedailybeast @NYMag @LBroylesy @2cannan1 @washingtonpost @Lift_Our_Voice @fovillian @Leannadana1 PS/ Just a closing tweet (not my own) to get everyone thinking about the next step in all this, now that the FBI raided (Monday) Epstein's property in the Virgin Islands:
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