1/ It's apparently been established that Epstein was an Israeli🇮🇱 agent. James Patterson's Filthy Rich, 2016, p. 112:
"Why was Epstein not implicated in the case? All that Hoffenberg will say when asked is: 'Ask Robert Gold.'" (more...)
"On Jun 15, 1982, a venerable stock-and-bond-trading firm, the Drysdale Securities Corporation, announced that it was going out of business."
p. 103
"Andrew Levander was an assistant US attorney in the Southern District of New York's... (con't)
"Ana Obregón [daughter of a well-connected Spainard🇪🇸] gave Epstein power of attorney over any monies that he [Epstein] recovered. And though it took him two years, working with Robert Gold... (con't)
So it seems likely that Epstein got the lion's share of Hoffenberg's ponzi scheme, and by the mid-1990s, was a very rich monster who got off scot-free.