Vic Mignognia is a 50 something year old American voice actor, famed w/in a niche audience for voicing characters in anime localization dubs. He is also, by growing reputation, a sex pest who went to cons to pick up young women and harassed coworkers
As part of this process he has to issue TDMA letters.

Greg's been suspended, which sucks, as Greg deserves his victory lap now that Beard's has filed, late, another terrible piece of work that will somehow screw his client even more.
But others are picking up the torch, thus the mad retweeting.
Maybe he's been reading law with Greg or something.
The lesson on what happens when you don't take the time carefully draft and edit your work is left as an exercise to the reader.

If any survive, Beard should try to leverage that to minimize the damage to his client and settle out with the check flowing in the survivor's direction.
Just screen shot it! For goodness sakes, don't take a *picture* of your computer, what do you think computers are for?