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Day 4 #GhislaineMaxwellTrial
Witnesses have included #epstein pilot #LarryVisoski…
MinorVictim1 'Jane' 14yo when the alleged abuse started.
Her ex partner 'Matt'
Daniel Besselsen of Interlochen the academy where JE organised a scholarship for 'Jane'
#GhislaineMaxwell's counsel push the line with 'Jane' that $ was a big part of her stepping forward and grilled her about time lines.

"I wish I never received that money in the first place because of what happened," she says.
Names of alleged #epstein associates brought up so far have included #Trump #Clinton #SarahKellen #EvaDubin #EmmyTaylor #PrinceAndrew #MikeWallace and chef #AdamPerryLang

Jane acknowledged that #PrinceAndrew was on a flight with her.
Read 68 tweets
Harvard gave Epstein an office that he visited 40+ times, often with young female assistants. The convicted pedo met with some of the worlds most prominent scientists & academics, then tried to remove photos of those meetings from the internet.
Thread👇… ImageImageImageImage
George Church is co-inventor of gene editing tool #CRISPr, & is a highly influential (eu)geneticist. Church took Epstein's money from 05-07, met with him 6 times in 2014 & visited the pedo island in 07.
He blames the relationship on "nerd tunnel vision" ImageImageImageImage
Martin Nowak was Epsteins closest associate at Harvard & received $6.5m from Epstein in 03 to establish the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics. Nowak brazenly promoted the convicted pedo on Harvards website & visited the island. He is still employed by Harvard, now on paid leave. ImageImageImageImage
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1) It’s high time I made a thread on Jeffrey Epstein and his pals’ connections to funding medical institutes and sitting on the boards hospitals, med schools, and think tanks. The tentacles of the Meyer Lansky crime/dope inc syndicate he inherited are vast and global.
2). Those tentacles stretch across various industies but a common theme continues to revolve around the medical industry, big Pharma, high finance and the art world. The veneer of “philanthropy” masks the stains of organized crime, ruined lives, and destabilized countries.
3) In this thread I will cover Epstein’s pals #Black, #Wexner, #Lauder, #Geffen, #Tisch, #Bronfman, #Dubin, #Riklis, #LdFR, #Milken, #Pritzker, #Rosenstiel etc. and specifically their connections to medicine and art philanthropy. Let’s begin!
Read 34 tweets
Here version 17 of the Epstein Network Map w/ 63 additions & 15 updates. Detailed are at least 45 victims & those connected to him in fashion, real estate, finance, Harvard, Sci/Tech, entertainment, politics, royalty, New Mexico, Florida, USVI & much more!…
Since this is a large file (52in x 54in) it can be DOWNLOADED and viewed as a PDF with hyperlinks to resources, articles and videos through my Google Drive link. It can also be viewed in the broken down sections below.…
The ARTIST & PHOTOGRAPHER connections including Rachel CHANDLER Guinness who has over 14 connections. Thanks to help from @entylawyer @TruthQanon95 ! #Epsteindidntkillhimself #EpsteinPedophileRing #EpsteinCoverup #epsteinnetworkmap #rachelchandler
Read 28 tweets
Meet John Casablancas, founder of Elite Model Management, prolific child rapist, and trafficker. He was Ivanka Trump's manager, was a close associate of U.S. President Trump, and sat on the board of Trump Realty Brazil. #OpDeathEaters Image
#Epstein used modeling agency connections Jean Luc #Brunel of MC2 Models and Les #Wexner of L Brands (Victoria's secret) to target young girls. #Trump started a modeling agency, Trump Model Management, in 1999 cloned after #Casablanca's own Elite Model Management. #OpDeathEaters Image
John Casablancas was born in New York in 1942, attended Le Rosey boarding school in Switzerland which educates children of the global elite including names below. Several names will be familiar to #OpDeatheaters researchers.…Image
Read 53 tweets
"Maritza Vasquez, the bookkeeper for #Epstein’s #MC2 Modeling agency disputes that claim. Tasked with obtaining visas for Epstein’s foreign models, Vasquez said she received an angry call from Epstein when then 14-year-old Marcinkova’s application ran into a snag" #OpDeathEaters
In 2011, #Marcinkova founded #Aviloop, a marketing company based in New York City that offers collective-buying aviation-related group discounts

“Whether you want to learn to fly, charter an airplane or just see more girls like me, Aviloop can help.” #OpDeathEaters #Epstein
"#Aviloop’s business records show that the company is run out of an apartment complex located at 301 E. 66th Street" owned by Mark #Epstein and where his brother kept apartments full of children who came to him for modeling careers. #OpDeathEaters
Read 14 tweets
Apparently JP Morgan & Deutsche Bank can't figure out how they (got caught) doing business with #Epstein #OpDeathEaters… Firing the person who managed his accounts right before an inquiry started might be a clue.
#OpDeathEaters According to the story above, Wexner made a deal with #Epstein, who paid him back ~ $100 million. And LeMonde reported that 4 years later Wexner donated $56 million to a Swiss #Epstein "trust" account? 🙄🙄
Ya think? "The flow of money between the foundations, the apparent mixing of private and charitable funds and the use of a foundation to settle a claim of misappropriation appears problematic" #OpDeathEaters #Epstein and #Wexner
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"Victoria's Secret is the house that white men built and frankly, it's just about crumbled to the ground."… #OpDeathEaters #opdeny #Models #MariaFarmer #Wexner #Epstein
From #Epstein to the allegations of sexual misconduct by is deeply disturbing that these men appear to have leveraged their working relationships with Victoria’s Secret to lure & abuse vulnerable girls"… #OpDeathEaters #ModelAlliance
Read 3 tweets
#LeonBlack and #Apollo would like to pretend no recent acquaintance, but in 2011, Black invested with #Epstein in Environmental Solutions Worldwide. In 2015 #Black GAVE $10 million to an Epstein charity.… #OpDeathEaters
California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CALPERS) is “in the process of contacting Apollo to discuss [#Epstein].”… #LeonBlack #Apollo
Oh, please:

#LeonBlack “was completely unaware of, and am deeply troubled by, the conduct that is now the subject of the federal criminal charges" #OpDeathEaters #Epstein
Read 15 tweets
This thread will look into the French connection to Epstein through child trafficker Jean-Luc #Brunel owner of MC2 Model Management. Brunel was Jeffery #Epstein's buddy and supplier who once gave him three 12-year-olds as a birthday present. #OpDeathEaters
Victims testified in court that #Epstein raped young girls from South America, Europe, and the former Soviet republics, including three 12-year-old girls brought from France as a birthday gift by Jean-Luc #Brunel (he was not charged). #OpDeathEaters…
In 2005, Jean-Luc #Brunel founded the MC2 Model Management agency which #Epstein invested $1 million, according to a 2010 deposition. #OpDeathEaters…
Read 31 tweets
"In hindsight, it might come as no surprise that the New York media never covered the Epstein story aggressively despite the fact that it happened in its own backyard."… #opdeny #OpDeathEaters #Epstein
"in the mid-1990s that #Epstein had been posing as a talent agent for the lingerie brand [Victoria's Secret]. When confronted with this information, #Wexner told the executives he would handle the situation."… #OpDeathEaters
"The alleged incident [molestation of Alicia Arden] occurred less than a year after another woman, Maria #Farmer, claims that #Epstein assaulted her at #Wexner's mansion" #OpDeathEaters
Read 10 tweets
5/ Why would ACTUAL BILLIONAIRE #Wexner "get into bed" (financially) with #Epstein?… why sell him his 727? why sell him his NYC mansion? why lend him such credibility? how deep are these ties? how far back do they go and why? @csthetruth
6/ EXACTLY when did @BillClinton meet #Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell? Who funded the "C.O.U.Q. Foundation" (#Wexner?) and why is so much important paperwork for this "charity" missing on NY State Charity Bureau website @TishJames? Why are key "related party" disclosures missing?
7/ In how many entities were #Wexner, Maxwell, Darren Indyke and #Epstein involved, either as investors, directors, employees, grant recipients or otherwise, going back to 1995 (or earlier if that makes sense)? Where are the AUDITS for any entities that were "charities"?
Read 6 tweets
Following Epstein’s arrest,
spotlight shifts 2 *financier’s
longtime *associate who is
tight w MOSSAD


British socialite,
recruited young women 4 #Epstein
+ training them 4 sex!

Ghislaine Maxwell
sexual assault of women
along w Epstein thru
mid-1990s 2 mid-2000s.

Enterprise centered on
procuring + sexually exploiting
young women,
+ intimidating them N2 silence.
Ghislaine Maxwell's
legal squad consists
of at least 4 lawyers,
1 identified as Jeffrey Pagliuca.📌

'2007 nonprosecution agreement'
not 2 bring charges 2 co-conspirators.

Maxwell was NOT named📌📌
as a potential co-conspirator w Epstein.

Wonder what it's like 2 kill ur father?
Read 41 tweets
‘I Think He’s Engaged in #Blackmail’: A Jeffrey #Epstein Expert on Where He Made His Money… #OpDeathEaters " I always suspected, but not got around to pursuing, that he was embezzling funds." #OpDeathEaters
#Epstein charities: "NBC is reporting that the charities hadn’t really received the donations that he’d reported." Link:… Charities say they never got donations Epstein claims he made. Again, SDNY has been looking into this for years. #OpDeathEaters
"I think he’s engaged in blackmail. The reason I think this is that I read the Palm Beach police report when they did the search warrant." #Epstein #OpDeathEaters
Read 32 tweets

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