People self select themselves out of the picture and create self fulfilling prophecies and allow defeat to overwhelm them to the point of inertia.
But she isn't correct. Our nation creates money every single time we spend.
It doesn't matter if it is Bernie Sanders pushing a Green New Deal or Donald Trump pushing a ridiculous border wall. We can afford to do anything... for good or for bad. The nation can purchase ANYTHING for sale in US Dollars. And never go broke
That means we want to cut the military but it is not because we cannot afford to spend on it.
That means we can retrofit EVERY smoke stack in America... or give every American solar panels... or eliminate medical debt...
Yes... we can have a Federal Job Guarantee which is locally administered and YES we can expand social security and eliminate FICA ALL TOGETHER.
Public money. Not taxpayer dollars. Not taking from one to give to another... new money. The way it is done for every program we have today.
Our kids deserve better.
We need a Green New Deal NOW.
If you do not understand any of this... just ask.
Because you cant sell a bold vision that you think is funded by tax payer dollars. It is simply not true nor is it how it is really done anyways.
if you do not...
The world will take care of eliminating our existence anyways.