For every property tax $1 in Boulder, city gets 14c. 9c of *that* goes to general fund.
I'm not sure you even need me.
Online petitioning: $400K is cost to build the system. Not sure if that's budgeted or not...?
Jones: What was process to decide to change it?
Jane: Council directed us to do this at the retreat.
Weaver: New normal will be $11M in 2020?
Doelling: Prob $10.5M, but we’ll get that number.
I think.
Carlisle: Does it have to do with location?
David Farnan: It was heavily requested by community. It has reduced incidents at the main library quite a lot.
Brockett: Can we get metrics of how this will improve things?
Doelling: I'll talk to transportation.
Doelling: Would you like to see $$ broken out by operating or capital?
Jones: I think more how we’re investing in Vision Zero and what that looks like.
Doelling: We can include a breakout
Doelling: That's my understanding. Ppl from transportation can correct me.
Bill Cowern stepping up to do that.
$350K for median maintenance
$150K for snow and ice to expand to residential streets and multi-modal facilities
$150K for particularly proactive potholing
Garrett Slater (I don't think I spelled that right): True. We don't want to be doing more potholes; we want to be able to do less, which means we're maintaining our roads.
Brautigam: Most of the cultural lands are open space.
Morzel: We're on cultural lands right here. There's a graveyard.... (kinda trailed off; I didn't hear the rest)
I second that. Frustrating to not have city docs available in Spanish.
There's a process for that underway, Doelling says.
Julia Richman, CTO: Yes(ish). This is a new, general role. "It's an ongoing effort."
Brockett: Thank you very much for putting that forward.
Second reading, with public hearing, Oct. 15
Doelling: There are several key priorities that have been achieved in 2019-2020. A lot of unfunded is large capital projects, for a lot of $$
Doelling: We've met with our purchasing manager. We're doing a lot of work with recent RFPs.
Jones: Do we have a stated goal around this or are we just heading this direction?
Brautigam: The work is underway with GARE and our procurement process.
Doelling: The unfunded list right now, it's heavy on staff. A lot of the unfunded is staff bc we're trying to be cautious with resources.
Brautigam: I don't believe there's flexibility in things we added.
But, to be fair, that's a one-time expense, not an ongoing one. Different buckets.
Yates: I'd put this on the list for our running adjustment to base if we have a little extra $$.
Patelli: We don't have any. Some accounting folks do minor audits. But it's not good practice to have ppl running the books do the audits.
Pattelli: Anything would be better than nothing, but we'd prefer full-time.
Jones: You're going to give us two weeks and you two days to get it in the packet?
Brautigam: It's not fair.
Yates: Ppl in the community read this budget. Do we send those qs to you?
Doelling: Yes.
Last unroll of the night, @threadreaderapp. Please and thank you.