1/ Haven't completed review of Rick Perry's Twitter timeline, but now understand the push behind AI, launched on Feb 11, 2019 by the Oval Office:
"President Donald Trump has signed an executive order... (con't)
"Trump’s order directs federal agencies to make gov't data and computing resources more available... (con't)
I do not trust these so-called experts at MIT, Carnegie Mellon, etc., who are currently so dependent on foreign sources and laundered money for their so-called prestige. (more...)
BTW, what is with the "Secretary Perry Stands Up Office for Artificial Intelligence and Technology" headline?" Was it written by an ESL public relations person? (more...)
Tue, Sep 10, 2019 h/t @YDanasmithdutra
Bill Foster (D-IL14):
"Developments in artificial intelligence are at the forefront of technological innovations that are changing our country and our world. The DOE and our world-class national laboratories are leading the way (con't)
AITO logo⤵️:

"What I found when I went to PNWL (Pacific northwest lab), I found that because of our supercomputing capacity... (con't)