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Feb 19th 2023
The idea that the fascist Russian regime should not be crushed is as rational and moral as arguing that we shouldn’t have completely defeated Nazi Germany. Russia will remain a perpetual problem this way.
There’s no real protection of the free world w/o completely defeating &dismantling RU. The goal shouldn’t be avoiding taking the war to RU soil, but doing it so swiftly that Moscow won’t even know what hit it so it can’t try to shield itself from long overdue consequences of war.
This idea of the free world defending against Russia for years and decades to come ignores the growing #AxisOfEvil with Russia, China, and other evil rogue regimes eagerly preparing to detonate the liberal, western-led intl security order. We will be battling a Coalition of Evil.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 17th 2023
“China supports Iran in safeguarding national sovereignty” and “resisting unilateralism and bullying,” and promises to “work together on issues involving each other’s core interests,”

- Xi Jinping during Iranian President Raisi's visit to China

#AxisOfEvil deepening
In a joint statement China & Iran agreed to accelerate bilateral cooperation plans, and join in various multilateral frameworks. They agreed on cooperation between their militaries at all levels & in various fields, & to expand the scale of joint exercises & personnel training.
Iran joining BRICS is on the table as well.

It is critical to note that China & Iran are de facto parties to Russia's illegal and genocidal war of extermination against the Ukrainian nation and people.

All three share the common goal of undermining liberal international order.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 6th 2022
@MarshaBlackburn Axis of Evil is the name of my fourth book:

Available on Amazon!
Thx for the free publicity.
I'm very proud of this particular book...
@MarshaBlackburn Here are some of the story-maps inside the book for free!

Evil Fairytale

YES! The Mobligarchs really DO want to melt the ice-cap! #KochCash
@MarshaBlackburn Khashoggi's Fingers.

Remember when Jared slipped an enemies list to Bonesaw in exchange for bailing out Jared's dumb building?
Read 8 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
Javier, @JavierGoya7 , China is in desperate need of food (ie corn), energy (oil, gas, coal), basic materials, and semiconductors. If xi is contemplating moving on Taiwan 🇹🇼, he would need to stock a surplus of these things or find someone to backstop their needs. 1/4
If China and Russia are collaborating at this point in history, a series of important deals might be had. Russian oil and food for an end-around crippling US sanctions for Putin’s Ukrainian invasion. The alliance of evil can and will likely unite to bring this to reality. 2/4
China will be sanctioned and removed from the global SWIFT system if xi moves on Taiwan. Xi might think he’s got the West in check but we have him in Checkmate if he moves. 3/4
Read 4 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
@dan_azzi was so successful in servicing #Iranian customers in #Dubai dodging sanctions, @StanChart promoted him for their #Hezbollah customers in #Lebanon. This is why Dan has never criticized #Hezbollah or the #Taliban. He's a #terrorist banker for hire.… ImageImageImageImage
Further evidence @dan_azzi was complicit in #moneylaundering for #terrorists. The reason he sold @StanChart in #Lebanon is because of @BDL_Lebanon compliance in #FATCA which prevented CEO Dan in washing #Hezbollah money. Now you know why he hates @RiadSalemeh so much.
#FinCEN ImageImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Jan 23rd 2019
Failed Coup in #Venezuela, #US involved?
Jan 22, 2019
U.S. VP #MikePence released a video message in support of the Venezuelan protesters & underline US backing for unelected right-wing opposition leader #JuanGuaido.
Violence in #Venezuela intensifies as #US backs non-elected leader
Jan 22, 2019
Venezuela's Security Forces have detained 27 members of the National Guard caught stealing arms, accusing them of trying to stage a violent #uprising against the #Maduro's govt.

#RegimeChange #BigOil
DEVELOPING STORY👇Turmoil in #Venezuela:
"Unrest is direct result of #US meddling" ~ Radio host Comissiong
Jan 23, 2019
Two people reportedly killed in on-going #protests in Venezuela against President #Maduro.

#RegimeChange #BigOil #USMeddling #Democracy
Read 48 tweets

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