“The Value of communication” w/ Stefan Dimitriadis @rotmanschool
Using a RCT in Togo we find that “communication practices” cause entrepreneurs to share more information, form more/better relationships, and increase profitability. Why?
Thread follows 👇

Stefan interviewed ~50 entreprenerus in Togo.
The interviews revaled that entrepeneurs has trouble communicating with one another.
For example, one entrepreneur commented:
Okay, but lets go back to our paper!
We decided we would need an RCT.
The training (see the table) mirror what we teach at @HarvardHBS and advice provided in @HarvardBiz.

Communication practices cause entrepreneurs to build relationships with peers who have more knowledge of management practices they don’t know. So if I don’t know about marketing I connect with peers with marketing expertise.
Better communication reduces the impact of homophily.
How important is treating the group vs. an invidious? We trainined everyone on a day so everyone knew everyone else had the training. Are there benefits if you just train one entrepreneur?
Would the same effects hold with scientists or high-tech knowledge work?
The paper is aimed at strategy scholars and sociologists, but we think economists and psychologists will be interested too! Also anyone interested in peer effects please check it out.
Sorry in advance for not citing so much awesome related work.