Getting back to the point though, there is an organized attack on everything related to the right, to Christianity, and to the values of our Eternal society. The use of unbridled hate, and constant intentional mixing
Quite honestly people do not even have to believe in God, our eternal society, or even think that
But a literal fight against God has
The time is coming where it will
No, the Democratic party lost any chance at legitimacy with the Kavanaugh farce. The many very public things they have done
Yes, I know still even now many many good people are not awake yet. Generally speaking most of those seem to just not be paying attention much. But this
Sorry for the long rant, but I am tired of childish behavior under the guise of difference of opinion. My time is limited here, and I go not have time or
It will be a beautiful place here in time. Please choose wisely for now and seek the spirit, no matter what you call that.