Oct 8th 2019, 18 tweets, 7 min read
No twitlonger for me because I want to be a real Tongan teehee so I’ll just do the long-ass twitter thread instead lmao.

Weekend was sick. S/O @standing_fierce as usual for putting on a sick event from start to finish.

Weekend didn’t go quite the way I wanted to.. 1/?
But I got no one else to blame except myself; finishing 9th for MVCI, 5th in MK11, whocares in SFV, participation award in DefJam, 7th in KOF? and 4th in Sailor Moon LOL. Regardless of results, it was still a dope fucking weekend spent with a bunch of good people and I.... 2/?
Wouldn’t have it any other way. Don’t really wanna go into detail about my play this weekend as I’ve already told those who I want to know how I feel lmao so IYKYK 🥴😰🥵 3/?
Shout out time:

Everyone who brought in gear/helped out over the weekend: Thank you so much for allowing us to use your equipment and time this weekend. Without your help this event wouldn’t have been possible so thank you so much for helping us out. Definitely means a lot 4/?
mentions : I’ve told you countless times this weekend but holy fuck I love you, man. Thank you so much for making the trip over and for just being such a good cunt in general. Always good to see you and it’s always good to talk a bunch of shit when we can. 5/?
mentions : Was good to finally meet you, toks! Congrats on taking home MK11 this weekend man! Sucks we couldn’t get a couple games in but I know we’ll get to play sometime soon. GET YOUR ASS TO RANBATS TOO G LOL 6/?
mentions : You’re something else, man. Your playstyle is definitely something we’re not used to and I know I’ll be able to take you on in the near future haha. Thanks for the tips afterwards too man means a lot and definitely has given me that extra boost I needed. Ggs man 7/?
mentions : Memes aside, was good to finally meet the man, the myth, the legend of the #NZFGC. Definitely did not look like the person I had imagined you to be haha but I’m glad you finally made it out to an event, g. Hopefully we get to see you at more! Kefe 8/?
mentions : Good to finally meet you too, g! Thank you so much for holding it down for MK commentary this weekend, g. Means a lot. Sorry for not getting the opportunity to talk more with you this weekend but hopefully we can catch up for a chat at your next event! 9/?
mentions : Liggy! Again, was good to meet you for real haha. Thanks so much for making the effort to come check it out bro and hopefully we can have a beer or two or someshit. Jordan 4s forever hahaha 10/?
mentions & @TAJgarou: Was good to finally meet you Chaotix and good to see you again, Taj! Thank you both for making the trip down and was really good to finally play you both in KOF! We’ll defs keep KOF alive here and hopefully we all be able to cross paths again! 11/?
mentions : You’re the greatest. That’s it. The bestest uncle ever teehee. We’ll drink more next time. Promise 12/?
Last but not least; @Consistent_NZ @MikeyOwenM @omfyoourstruly @OMFGodspeed aka Tengaboiz/Tigerboiz/Tequilaboiz: where do I start... you guys are the fucking shit and I love you guys. I’m so proud of how far we’ve come in the last year or so and I’m proud of what we’ve all.. 13/?
Achieved within the last year too. A bunch of my year was spent with you guys and even though Tee ditches us all the time I wouldn’t change a single moment. I know our results at SXU weren’t what we expected but I know we will definitely be back again next year... 14/?
Stronger and better than ever. Again, I fucking love you guys even though you asshats get on my nerves sometimes LOL but y’all are Tengas for life and that’s never gonna change. Tengaboiz Forever Forever Tengas Out 🥴😰🥵 15/?
Obviously can’t shout out everyone so I’m sorry if I’ve missed you but to everyone I’ve met over this year and over the course of my time in the #NZFGC I love you all and you’re all good cunts. Forever. 16/?
Anyways, I’m taking a break next year and I don’t know for how long. I haven’t been doing this for long but the whole Hidden Ones situation at the start of the year took a lot out of me and really took away the drive I had to play games. I’ll always be around to support... 17/?
The #NZFGC but I feel like a break is what I need right now.

Anyways, I love you all, you’re all good cunts and you all got small pi’s.

See y’all soon

From your favourite nut,

- Tengaman #NZFGC
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