Oct 10th 2019, 3 tweets, 1 min read
This was the predictable result for app stores and why “storeless” (web) is better. What matters is for everyone to have a voice, which is the default of the web and *antithetical* to a review process. The point of review is to filter: and you’re not in control of the filter.
Apple (and every other App Store owner) invited this dilemma. They declared themselves the arbiter and took on this responsibility. They didn’t even allow a side load escape hatch. Now they have to themselves take an explicit stance, as opposed to being a neutral platform.
First they came for the unapproved language apps. I didn’t speak out
— Because my app was ObjC

Then they came for the duplicated functionality apps. I didn’t speak out
— Because my app was a game

Then they came for the political apps
— but by then I was locked into the platform
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