Did you know that in a one year time period - Oct 2009 to Sep 2010 - only **11 of 162,350 cases** that went before a Federal Grand Jury failed to return an indictment?

We suspect we know who & what was leaked - it appears to be related to #SethRich!
The depressing part is that most people aren’t even aware that one existed.
And we know it existed, bc Seth’s brother (Aaron) mentioned it in the lawsuit - he says he cooperated with it.
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At least, statistically speaking, there is reason for hope.
The fact that a Grand Jury exists(ed) means there was a 99.99% chance of an indictment.
The Grand Jury convened over a year ago... and yet we see/hear NOTHING!
What’s up with that?!?
If that is the case, I doubt many will find it acceptable.
An indictment isn’t a sign of guilt, but in this case it would one of only a few signs of ANY progress whatever.
You’d be hard pressed to know if it’s still being looked at - media won’t even ask a fucking question regarding Seth Rich at this point.
They don’t reject the request for any particular reason - they often deny any records exist.
That, of course, is in direct contradiction to the fact that a Grand Jury convened - there must be records.
*IF* there was a Grand Jury that resulted in Sealed Indictments... that may create the kinds of conditions we are seeing.
• it would jive with 99.99% chance of indictment
• we wouldn’t hear about it
But quite a few things would make sense under those lenses; things that I cannot make sense of otherwise.
What are your thoughts?