Notice that Michael leaves a teaser:
“Are there more questionable land deals to be probed?”
Of course there are... and they are documented.
-Quick Thread-

Did you know that he’s a former lobbyist for the Rossing Mine - one of the largest & most productive Uranium mines in the world?
Look it up:
• Located in Namibia
• Iran is 15% owner
It was slipped into a Defense Authorization bill - what does taking over land in AZ for mining has to do with military spending?!
And ‘our side’ is playing our part - we research and share info & call out ‘Swamp’ in all directions!
The left simply co-opts the swamp as we get rid of them!
If you are interested in more, look for my threads under hashtag #McCainInstitute
Same scope - different scale.
It’s where NeoCons gather with Soros for Swamp Deals & Regime Change.
This will get you started:
If he was to be part of the national discussion, we’ll make him part of the discussion!
And if others want in on the action, we’re ready - SUPPORT @RealDonaldTrump!!