True Pundit appears to have been an outgrowth of that. realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/11/…

It applies to the FBI and—while not a criminal statute—a violation of the Hatch Act is a violation of federal law and would get you fired from federal employment immediately (assuming a serious breach). law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/5/…
Even *James Comey* was aware of True Pundit.
Moreover, it *matters* that he knew—and he did—that True Pundit was angling for sources *inside* the Clinton probe, and that Comey's deputy thought he had them.
(1) Get metadata from the PC to confirm the emails were duplicates;
(2) ask Abedin or Wiener—both cooperating witnesses—if the FBI could view the emails; or
(3) get a warrant for the emails.
They did *none of these*.
Recall that Flynn was receiving undisclosed—*illegally* undisclosed—monies from Russia while advising Trump in the fall of 2015, and dined with Putin in Moscow in December 2015.

So he did the only thing he could do.
Then Comey surprised them all by doing the work in one week he'd earlier given an entire team of his agents three and a half weeks (from October 2 to October 27) to do.

And Flynn, Prince, Bannon, Giuliani, and any other Trump aides who passed on True Pundit stories should be questioned.
You can be reasonably certainly the president himself has True Pundit bookmarked—as this looks like hand-in-glove.

Yeah, maybe Google me first.
Pay attention, Horowitz, Mueller, Congress.

But then—2 days later—Giuliani issued his public warnings/threats.

Giuliani's threats may have changed that.
10/24: McCabe thinks big leak coming; Comey admits leaks but not in Clinton probe—yet.
10/26: Giuliani widely teases FBI-related October surprise that will swing election to Trump.
10/27: Comey learns his agents betrayed him.
10/28: Comey writes his letter to Congress.