Because whatever the short-term outcome of talks in Brussels, there's an implicit recognition that is deal-zone discussion we'll need to have anway. /4
Which leads us to the Mail on Sunday story... /5

As @PhilipHammondUK retorts (and @DLidington agrees) a 'housekeeping' extension is common sense. /7

1) Johnson wants a deal and in making that move has made 'no deal' much harder, seriously, to go back to. (It was never a viable idea in my view!) /13
This customs border in Irish Sea that @tconnellyRTE and other explain, actually needs to be built. It may be in the end we have NI-only and move via transition to this hybrid arrangement /14
If there's Brexit - and some people still want to stop it of course - then maybe the broad outline of how it happens is there. /15
Which was always the argument for parking the future relationship discussion, since that's the bit we really need to be focussed on, and will be decided by the next govt/17ENDS