Here is what it looked like 5 years ago, at $12k in MRR
They had already begun to run a playbook
More on that here:…
They got a basic outbound engine going
They showed up at events
They promoted their long tail
More here:…
Their first outside hire was in his dev
They remained developer first, and kept a free edition
But they weren't afraid to sell
More here:…
In 2014, the market for search-as-a-service was $2m. Yes, $2m.
So they created a true solution instead. That was bigger.
More here:…
The first product did not really achieve market fit.
They knew it would take a decade.
They moved their kids and families from Paris.
More here:…
The strategy should last at least 5 years
Then, you have to reboot it all over again
Excited to see how Algolia reboots it all for the next 5 years……