1. Avoid "warm shell" venues. Piers, industrial venues. They are cool, but the build-out cost is insane.
2. Events professionals all go over budget. Almost 100%.
4. Bribes and kickbacks. They are everywhere. Your events "professional" will likely be getting kickbacks from ...
5. Crazy vendor choices. Since are so many kickbacks and+inside relationships, you will get >odd< vendor recs. Be wary
8. Events professionals LOVE A/V. Every A/V quote will be in the $1.5m-$2m range. All of them. You do not
You will only get a lower quote if you really, really push.
No one does this. Then you really are flying blind.
So every 1-3 years you'll have to swap vendors
Cost to produce SaaStr Annual 2019: $6,878,616
These are only the direct costs, excluding payroll, etc. but including all vendors, venues, F+B, etc