98% of Fox-watching Republicans oppose removal
71% of them *strongly* approve of Trump. Only 39% of non-Fox Rs strongly approve
One of the biggest obstacles to removal? Fox News.
New piece:
55% of Fox-watching Republicans say there's almost *nothing* Trump could do to lose their approval. Only 29% of non-Fox Rs say this.
"Fox is really impacting Republicans’ opinions," PRRI's @nataliemj10 tells me:

See @brianbeutler, @DLeonhardt, @mattyglesias, @lara_putnam
I argue here that Fox News is also a key factor:

We need to be clearer that some GOP lawmakers are fully behind Trump because they *affirmatively support* his act of corruptly pressuring Ukraine to investigate (i.e., smear) Biden.
Fox may be playing a key role in this: