* Senate is undemocratic
* Electoral college is undemocratic & gave us popular vote loser twice in last 5 elections
* 5 of 9 SCOTUS justices appointed by party that has lost 6 of 7 popular votes
What do you think will happen absent reform?
* Strike down Voting Rights Act
* Empower money & corporations over people
* Protect GOP gerrymandering
It isn't a coincidence they keep doing things like this. They share the GOP's commitment to rule by a wealthy, white minority of U.S.
If they don't have a plan for court reform, they don't have a plan to govern.
Statement from @TakeBacktheCt director @AaronBelkin —>

Republicans spent decades building a television channel to protect their power, too.
It’s risky, but there is no solution that isn’t.
Last week’s debate made clear none of them have a plan.