This is unsustainable,+ in order to solve our problems we need to address the root cause.
Thinking aloud:
I can advance my own well being at your expense or at the expense of the commons
Anti-rivalrous games are Positive Sum. We both win. Anti-fragile
I can advance my own well being at your benefit & at benefit of commons
An anti-rivalrous good is valuable because it’s abundant, like language.
If only two people use a language, it is not as valuable as when a million people use it.
This is a bit messed up when you think about it…
Even though we all die without it, literally it has no value to us in our economic calculus.
The same trees that were actually putting the oxygen in the air that we don’t give a shit about so that we can put the gold in a safety deposit box that we look at
Abundant things become worthless, even if they’re the foundation of life.
Scarce things make people rich, even if they’re meaningless.
This incentivizes people to artificially manufacture scarcity and avoid abundance everywhere.
Multipolar traps are scenarios where the things that work well for individuals locally are directly against the global well-being.
If I do it, I don’t lose now, as we all do it, we all lose later.
We have a scenario where the incentive of the agent short-term locally is directly against the long-term global wellbeing
In companies: both want the same promotion at the company and they try to sabotage each other, even though that harms the company, because individual incentives are at odds with company incentives.
e.g. The best computer that the world could build doesn’t exist because Apple has some of the IP but Google has some of the IP, and 10 other companies have some of the IP
Consider the human body:
The heart and the lungs are not rivalrous with each other. They’re not competing to extract scarce resource and hoard it
They’re in this radically necessarily symbiotic relationship
Why? Exponential Technology.
Collapsing one civilization could collapse all.
that’s a big deal because separate nation states are the basis of rivalrous systems, and so our private balance sheets.
So, these changes would be fundamental.
More soon....
Need to be positive-sum with all participants & the commons.