#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter
Guterrez Secretary General of the UN affirms that by decision of the majority of the UN Assembly & its Security Council can only recognize Nicolás Maduro as legitimate president of Venezuela
How should be

👉🏼It explains very well the attempted coup in Venezuela by the US do not start now, it started a few years ago👈🏼😲😠😡🤬
DECEIVED EVERYONE! Uncle of the run over child affirms that Julio Borges altered his statement before the authorities lechuguinos.com/julio-borges-a…
The scam! Spanish chancellor ironizes the appointment of the "ambassador" of Guaidó in Spain (+ VIDEO) lechuguinos.com/canciller-espa…
"I hope that does not happen. The time of foreign military intervention in Latin America passed a long time ago" - @antonioguterres - 👏🏼👏🏼💯💯💪🏼✊🏼👊🏼
OFFICE COWBOYS! Meet the false news that Juan Guaidó 🤪 made in his media labs🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥 lechuguinos.com/noticias-falsa…
- @NicolasMaduro - 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💯💯💪🏼✊🏼👊🏼👌🏼
-@NicolasMaduro - 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💯👌🏼
If Guaidó Can Elect Himself President, Why Can't Le Pen?
In a strike for "democracy," the US & its assorted suck-ups around the world have officially recognized Guaidó whom no one had ever heard until he announced president of Venezuela
THE PEOPLE ARE ORGANIZED! They will hold a national day of signatures against Yankee intervention lechuguinos.com/recoleccion-fi…
DEFENDING SOVEREIGNTY! 🇷🇺 accuses the 🇪🇺of "direct" interference in Venezuelan affairs 👏🏼👏🏼💯💪🏼👌🏼✊🏼👊🏼💓🇷🇺💓
Venezuelan Minister of Communication shows confession of the former Communications Director of the Presidential Honor Guard, who said he was recruited six years ago by Deputy @JulioBorges, to execute a coup against @NicolasMaduro
Confessions of Colonel Reirado of the GNB, Garcia Palomo (Captured) says that in the first quarter of this year a military operation against Venezuela is scheduled.
[URGENT] See here the complete statement of the minister @jorgerpsuv on the last confessions of those involved in plans and attacks in #Venezuela.
Informs @jorgerpsuv that the whole coup operation planned by Garcia Palomo was intercepted by the🇻🇪intelligence. They made him believe that there would be an uprising in Caracas. Spokesmen on the right were confident of success & remembered public statements
Venezuelan intelligence deceived Garcia Palomo to disrupt the coup that was going to take place at the weekend (+ Video) albaciudad.org/2019/02/intell…
CIA structured a military team to carry out an operation against La Carlota & the communications of Greater Caracas. See the video with the confession of CNEL (R) Oswaldo Valentín Garcia Palomo after being captured by the 🇻🇪 authorities bit.ly/2SdJb8G
What he said ... It is not a "humanitarian aid" is a vulgar military invasion promoted by a political group.
Julio Borges established with Ovidio Carrasco lines of work and action to overthrow the constitutional government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. See confession of a traitor to the Homeland bit.ly/2TB6ohH
Elliot Abrams asks countries to "heed the call" of Guaidó for humanitarian assistance in🇻🇪
⚠️This 1987 NYT article tells how Abrams spearheaded an operation of sending concealed ARMS into humanitarian contingents nyti.ms/2E019D8
How many others will be like "morrocoy"? You have to check everything and everyone! Attention @NicolasMaduro watchful eye! And with regard to the nameless #COBARDE, laws and regulations must be applied. 👇

Protest in front of the Bank of England to return the gold bars requested by Venezuela
#NoEnMiNombre #NoALaGuerra #VenezuelaFirmaPorLaPaz
#Periscope | Mobilization in support of President Nicolás Maduro pscp.tv/w/byyUCjgzMjcz…
#Periscope | President Nicolás Maduro participates in the collection of signatures for peace pscp.tv/w/byyiUTgzMjcz…
US gov't admits it's driving #Venezuela's economy into the ground, but🇺🇸 media won't say so - creating a false narrative that problems in🇻🇪are entirely the fault of their gov't, while🇺🇸is a neutral arbiter that just wants to help Venezuelans. truthdig.com/articles/what-…
We just have to read the Wikileaks documents about 🇻🇪, the right-wingers in the🇺🇸 loved Wikileaks, now they do not want to read these documents anymore😏
WikiLeaks reveals imperialist plots against #Venezuela
* US documents (2004-2011)
Venezuela: #WikiLeaks cables show how US uses 'human rights' to cover imperialist aims.
We have always known. These criminals never change, no matter the president of the day.
The documents of Wikileaks & Snowden have shown the real plan of 🇺🇸 against 🇻🇪, official documents of the🇺🇸show that the real objective is to destroy the economy of Venezuela, to turn people against the govt & achieve the regime change.
Chris Williamson: ‘Venezuelan economy crippled by U.S. sanctions’
Why is British backing a non elected criminal ??
#BritishValues #VenezuelaFirmaPorLaPazVamos #Venezuela

#EU’s #Mogherini repeats call for peaceful solution in Venezuelan to avoid chaos

HispanTV’s exclusive interview with Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza
Read more: ptv.io/2hIc

The future of #Venezuela is a matter for Venezuelans. @Jeremy_Hunt's call for more sanctions on🇻🇪is wrong. We oppose outside interference in 🇻🇪, whether from the US or anywhere else.
There needs to be dialogue and a negotiated settlement to overcome the crisis.
Great to meet Bolivia’s Vice President Álvaro García Linera today, who along with Mexico and Uruguay are already playing an important role in mediating a negotiated political solution in Venezuela.

📢URGENT: I warn all countries of the 🌐not to put their savings in the Bank of England. They end up getting what is not theirs. You be very careful never trust on @bankofengland 🤥😠🤬

Roger Waters responds to the “hail of flak from every one who speaks for the Venezuelan people, most of them are white, middle class, and live in New York City.”
@DerbyChrisW addresses protesters outside of the Bank of England to demand it gives back Venezuelas 31 tonnes of gold worth almost £1 billion. #nowaronvenezuela @VenSolidarity @M_Star_Online #NoBloodForOil #venezuelasgold
"The US dollar is not backed by anything but the US military; we're not backed by gold, we're backed by bullets, by lead."
- @realRickWiles
The people of Venezuela are standing with their legitimate president @NicolasMaduro
No to imperialism!!!
Tulsi Gabbard:🇺🇸should not be in the business of intervening in #Venezuela & picking who should lead the country. And we certainly should not be threatening military action.🇺🇸needs to stay out of 🇺🇸& let the🇻🇪people determine their own future

Is this the 'humanitarian aid' of the United States? 🤔
USA sends weapons to CIA death squads in disguise of "Humanitarian Aid to #Venezuela's Hungry"
US applied same modus operandi in #Syria
#VenezuelaFirmaPorLaPaz #VenezuelaLibre #Venezuela #YellowVestsUK


Election observer Calvin Tucker explains why the Venezuelan voting system cannot be rigged. 1/2
Election observer Calvin Tucker explains why the Venezuelan voting system cannot be rigged. 2/2
I think everyone should read to understand the causes behind Venezuela's economic problems 👌🏼💯
-CEPR's Mark Weisbrot-
US Sanctions on Venezuela: 'Attempt to Destroy the Economy' 🤬🇺🇸MF
The US Strategy for Regime Change in Venezuela 🤬🇺🇸MF😡
New and Old Strategies for Ending the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela (1/2) 🤬🇺🇸MF😡
White House Protest: No Matter What You Think of #Venezuela, NO Intervention! 🤬🇺🇸MF
-Mark Weisbrot-🤬🤬
@marcorubio @VP @SecPompeo @POTUS
This was the humanitarian aid you sent to Venezuela👇🏼🤬🗯️🗯️🤬

The Red Cross warns that the US is politicizing humanitarian assistance with its plan for “aid” to Venezuela - which is a fairly clear provocation and Trojan Horse for military intervention pbs.org/newshour/amp/w…
The UN joins the Red Cross in criticizing the US for politicizing (read: weaponizing) aid to Venezuela reuters.com/article/us-ven…
Deportations, Assassinations, and Dictator Nations: A Timeline of U.S. Intervention in Latin America🤬🗯️🗯️🗯️😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
When The US Decided The Future Of Latin America🤬🤬🤬🗯️🗯️🤬🤬🤬 newsy.com/stories/us-int…
“Any foreign troops coming to Syria without our invitation or consultation or permission, they are invaders, whether they are American, Turkish, or any other one”
-President Bashar Al-Assad-
-Andrew Bacevich-
Weaponsed into🇻🇪possibly in support of increased violence & the #VenezuelaCoup
This is the tactics used in #Syria to start WAR. Brave #Venezuelan People shouldnt be brainwashed by🇺🇸democratic AID! Its AID!
''Worth of notice, Mr. Erdoğan took up a position as a friend of Venezuela not Maduro.''-@jguaido- (1/5)
'' Yes, that’s a very important question. Maduro is a friend of Turkish people because in the eyes of the 🇹🇷people, Maduro absolutely means Venezuela.''
-@jguaido- (2/5)
'' Although Maduro tries to show that he gets the public support, but this is not true. He was left alone.''-@jguaido- (3/5)
''This is a big lie. The US comes at the head of the regime's 20-year oil customers. This claim is a great lie of Maduro.''-@jguaido- (4/5)
''If the Venezuelan army on Maduro’s side, do you consider the military intervention of other countries to 🇻🇪 legitimate?'' (5/5)
By @RachBlevins
The US is holding direct communications with members of🇻🇪’s military urging them to abandon leader Nicolas Maduro & preparing new sanctions aimed at increasing pressure..
It doesn't count as "meddling" if we do it, right?
In Venezuela, White Supremacy Is a Key Driver of the Coup 😲🤨😏😠😡🤬truthout.org/articles/in-ve…
By @suegrant54321
Mysterious Turkish Company Helped #Maduro Sell $900 Million In Gold 👏🏼👌🏼
By @need_history
Another Regime-Change plot under false pretext of "Democracy & Human Rights". Outcome will be the same, Chaos & destruction as seen many times before. US support is the kiss of death for the opposition like in the past.
Will the fate of the world be decided in #Venezuela?
#NWO Corrupt elites
USING PHONY argument to follow US instead of UN, Sweden says it acknowledges Guaidó "in accordance with Venezuela Constitution"
I've read it through; there is nowhere support for such a claim, let alone art 233
Only 22 UN member-states recognize Guaidó. 171 don’t

SUPREME COURT of Justice rules that #Venezuela constitution doesn't allow forming a transitional government as #US-backed #Guaidó, #Sweden & other states claim.
Justice Mendoza: "Guaidó is usurping presidential powers" (@AP)

📢I warn all countries of the🌐never trust on @bankofengland THEY STEAL the 🇻🇪GOLD THEY ARE GUILTY of the 🇻🇪ECONOMIC CRISIS, together with ECONOMIC SANCTIONS imposed by🇺🇸SINCE 2008, with COMPLICITY of ALLIES

Did you know this? 🤔😔🧐
Bank of England Refused to Return $1.2bn in Gold to Venezuela – Reports 😲😏😠😡🤬
Did you know this? 🤔😔🧐
Over 150 intellectuals & activists signed an open letter urging the US & Canada to stop their economic sanctions on #Venezuela, which are making the country's economic problems worse. 😲😏😠😡🤬
By @RachBlevins
NEW: Venezuela Seizes Shipment of ‘US-Made’ Weapons, Redirects Oil Exports
Watch the full report here:
Elliott Abrams used "aid shipments" to smuggle weapons to "Contras" in 1987
Why media on US's aid to #Venezuela not mentioning these facts?😏😡🤬

You have knowledge of it?🤔😔🧐
Report: U.S.-Based Plane Caught Bringing Arms into Venezuela 😲🤨😏😠😡🤬democracynow.org/2019/2/8/headl…
In 1986 it was Elliot Abrams who ordered arms for🇺🇸backed rebels to be carried in🇺🇸‘humanitarian aid’ flights to Nicaragua nyti.ms/2USaBhr
Largely ignored by media, it’s today the same Abrams overseeing🇺🇸‘humanitarian aid’ to Venezuela
📢Disclose! Why Venezuela does not allow humanitarian aid from the USA? Watch the video to understand that is for historical reasons. Has it become clearer now?
By @SputnikInt
Bolivian President @evoespueblo slams US aid supplies to #Venezuela as double standards sptnkne.ws/kExn

By @need_history
I thought you mean the same 'AID' US brought in the past to Contras in Nicaragua & to islamists/Al-Quaeda in East-Aleppo, exposed by @dgaytandzhieva US support for uprisings is the kiss of death. #Syria #Venezuela
US ILLEGAL INVASION of Panama killed >3,000 civilian (Ramsey Clark).
The number of #Venezuela military that will resist US invasion+civilians killings would probably be over 80,000
Was because of that #HugoChávez said at the #UN…?
UK have sent a Warship to Venezuela's Waters, SAS style commandos training in South America- but no plans for Invasion!
Beaking Down State of The Union Address, John McAfee Slams Regime Change in Presidential Run (E710) RT — Going Underground rt.com/shows/going-un…
I thank the people of Guarico and Aragua State for the vast concentrations in support of sovereignty and national dignity. We continue fighting in order to guarantee peace in Venezuela.

RT @laradiodelsur: The Red Sea in Guárico supports legitimate President Nicolás Maduro Moros.
Feb 8
RT @ConCiliaFlores: Today we sign for Peace and every day we defend it from every space, with love, patience and determination, as always, with @NicolasMaduro at the forefront, the People shall prevail. #VenezuelaFirmaPorLaPaz

In numbers: What blocks the US for Venezuela and what it offers as humanitarian aid

Attempted #VenezuelaCoup is a 2002 re-make by
as US winds down wars for Israel
and pivots back to Latin America #DirtyWars
Cynicism at its best. The cost of the illegal US blockade against the Venezuelan economy is tens of billions of dollars. They organize a cheap and hypocritical show that shows all the seams of a provocation within the coup attempt
That's the Aid being distributed that has just been stopped for the Palestinians on 31st January. Starving Gaza into submission while feeding Venezuela into submission. A new low WEAPONISED FOOD.
It's obvious to anyone with an ounce of brains. Those aren't humanitarian aid. The US and its vassals want to bring in weapons into the country. They are using humanitarian aid as a cover.
Yep. US non stop attacks against🇻🇪started seconds after president Chávez won elections in 1998. US plotted a COUP against Chávez in 2002 that lasted less than 2 days. BUT US didn’t give up. Still plotting,now against president Maduro. Why? 🇻🇪OIL WORLD RESERVES.

#Venezuela has the LARGEST OIL RESERVE IN THE WORLD. US´s criminals governments,Reps & Dems, have been after it for 200 years. History shows that Simón Bolívar defeted them. Chávez did as well. Maduro will do so too. The WORLD will see it. History will write it.
I share the "Open Letter to the People of the United States," which is being signed by the free people of Venezuela & the world. We are going to deliver it to the White House to demand respect for our inalienable right to Peace. 🇻🇪🕊️

"John Bolton,represents Zionist 🇮🇱. Not US. Bolton should be arrested for high treason."-Paul Craig Roberts

Mike Pompeo has received $78,850 (2014) and $50,000 (2016) from 🇮🇱 lobby groups.

Sen. Lindsey Graham has received $11 million from 🇮🇱lobby groups

Hillary has received $ 2,334,661 from 🇮🇱 lobby groups

McCain received $1,488,616 from the🇮🇱lobby groups

Now That #Venezuela is Facing a Difficult Time, It is Worth Watching What The late #HugoChavez had to say About #Isreal & its role in backing Opposition Groups in the Country.
#IsraeliCrimes #Gaza
The killing of Iraqi Academics: A War to Erase the Future & Culture of 🇮🇶. List of 🇮🇶academics assassinated in🇮🇶during the US-led occupation
Academics assassinated: 324

Trump clamors for new regime change wars—Iran, Venezuela.
🔵Number of countries recognising Guaido: 48
🔴Number of countries continuing to recognise Maduro: 141
Only 25% of the 🌐's governments have recognised @jguaido
75% continuing to recognise the elected President @NicolasMaduro

Thank you💓🌐💓🕊️🗽💪🏼👊🏼✊🏼🤛🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💯💯
Infograms: How Much International Support Does Guaido Really Have? venezuelanalysis.com/N4Yu
By @RT_com
'Anyone who intervenes will leave in a body bag' – Nigerian official warns of '#Venezuela option'
In Defense of #Venezuela against Foreign Intervention
"We will defend🇻🇪,our sovereignty, we women will fight against the world for our country"
En Defensa de🇻🇪en contra de la Ingerencia Extranjera👇IN SPANISH
Pompeo's "Hezbollah in🇻🇪"is like the new "Iraq did 9/11", but way crazier. Who still believes a thing NeoCons say after they lied us into disastrous regime change wars in🇦🇫🇮🇶🇸🇾🇱🇾..? NEVER FORGET: their lies have killed 1M people & counting!
Be very careful with the FAKE NEWS disseminated by the US/UK media & by the opposition led by Guaidó. This is another example of FAKE News which was unmasked 😉😏😌😎
In almost all US UK media, dramatic photos show how Venezuela ‘has blocked a border bridge to prevent US aid’🙄
What US UK media don’t say that the bridge has reportedly been blocked ever since it was built in 2016🤣
1/ There are 3 reasons why #Venezuela should not accept US aid. The first is easy and straight forward. Why should Venezuela accept aid from a country threatening to invade it?
2/ The second reason is that $50 million in aid is PALTRY & PATHETIC considering🇺🇸sanctions, by their own admission, will take out up to $20 billion from the Venezuelan economy every year. It’s embarrassing that war hungry Americans cannot see this very obvious insult.
3/ The third reason is reflected on Syria & Libya where “humanitarian aid” was a front to deliver jihadists weapons. 🇺🇸weapons attempting to be smuggled into 🇻🇪 have already been intercepted by state authorities. The 🇺🇸 cannot be trusted to deliver humanitarian aid.
Venezuelan armed forces sent to guard blocked #Colombia border bridge (video) aml.ink/P4o95 #Venezuela
The fraud of Juan Guaidó. Ony 4 Venezuelans knew @jguaido was going to declare himself president before he did. Directed by Trump, Pence, Bolton, Pompeo. The most brazen act of imperialism. Old 19th century colonial wine in a new bottle🇻🇪
If Guaido Can Elect Himself President, Why Can't Le Pen?
In a strike for "democracy," the #US & its assorted suck-ups around the world have officially recognized @jguaido whom no one had ever heard until he announced president of #Venezuela
🇩🇪Parliament experts Commission declared that 🇩🇪Gov. decision to accept Guaido as president is illegal!😏
🇺🇸+47 countries have recognized the self-proclaimed🇻🇪President Guaidó. A Bundestag report now raises questions of international law 😎
-US Rep. Ro Khanna- 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💪🏼✊🏼👊🏼🤛🏼💯🕊️💓🇻🇪💓
This group of Floridians upheld Venezuela's right to self-determination in front of the Simon Bolivar near the Torch of Friendship at Bayfront Park, downtown Miami. // Photos: Pete Seidman

Colombian citizens demand respect for sovereignty of the🇻🇪people. They ask @IvanDuque to stop political genocide that has already claimed the life of 566 social leaders, to address the serious humanitarian situation of Guajira, Nariño...
South Africans are outside of the U.S. Consulate in Johannesburg demanding an end to U.S. attempts to overthrow Venezuela's constitutional government: "Down with imperialist aggression!" #HandsOffVenezuela
Johannesburg, South Africa says NO to a US-backed coup d'etat against🇻🇪 On the picket today: 🇿🇦's Communist Party, Congress of 🇿🇦 Trade Unions, National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union & other unions & social movements.
#PHOTOS | From #Copenhague social movements and people of solidarity expressed in favor of the Bolivarian Revolution & President Nicolás Maduro @NicolasMaduro in rejection of the coup d'etat sponsored by the 🇺🇸 & supported by the 🇪🇺

#PHOTOS | From #Berlin, demand the cessation of aggression against Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution led by constitutional president Nicolás Maduro @NicolasMaduro

#PHOTOS | From Cape Town # South Africa expresses solidarity with the Venezuelan people and its President Nicolás Maduro @NicolasMaduro

#PHOTOS | From #Brazil the Popular Brazil Front & the Brazilian Committee for Peace in 🇻🇪, the Venezuelan Consulate in São Paulo is mobilized to offer its support and solidarity to the Bolivarian Revolution and the Rev. @NicolasMaduro

Feb 9 | From #Barakaldo, Basque Country #Spain solidarity movements raise their voice and demand "No more imperialist aggressions in #Venezuela" Pa 'lante Venezuela!

🗣️ || López Obrador, President of Mexico, at his press conference this Friday #8Feb questioned how some countries offered "humanitarian aid" in exchange for political interests in the situation of Venezuela
SADC (🇦🇴, 🇧🇼, 🇨🇲, 🇨🇩, 🇸🇿, 🇱🇸, 🇲🇬, 🇲🇼, 🇲🇺, 🇲🇿, 🇳🇦, 🇸🇨, 🇿🇦, 🇹🇿, 🇿🇲, 🇿🇼) demands respect for the sovereignty of #Venezuela & the democratically elected Government led by Nicolas Maduro @NicolasMaduro
How the US pressures small countries who refuse to join the bullying against Venezuela
Violent opposition groups attempted to bar Andres Bello in Caracas and the people's response was overwhelming.
This video shows how PACIFIC, exercise democracy, violence is their argument ...
#VenezuelaQuierePaz #VenezuelaFirmaPorLaPaz
@marcorubio FAKE NEWS 👇🏼
See the truth🧐😉😏😌😤
Bahri refutes US senator’s claim of Saudi ship ‘carrying diluents’ to Venezuela english.alarabiya.net/en/business/en…

My total solidarity with the @Gibarreto47

🇻🇪has about 31 tons of gold worth $1.3 billion in the Bank of 🇬🇧. But the bank has effectively stolen it, refusing to give the gold back to the sovereign government of🇻🇪
So protesters in London gathered outside the bank's headquarters
"'Bank of England, you've been told, give Venezuela back its gold!' they chanted, as one protester wearing a mask of US President Donald Trump stroked two fake gold bars under a large Venezuelan flag."

Bolivia became the latest country to kick the Rothschild banks out of their country, with Morales announcing that Bolivia will no longer respond to pressure or financial blackmail from the US gov or Rothschild-controlled international banking institutions.

Listen #venezolanos #Venezuela open your eyes do not be fooled by the surrender oligarchy. #NoAlaGuerraEnVenezuela #VenezuelaFirmaPorLaPaz #HandsOFFVenezuela
🇻🇪President Nicolás Maduro @NicolasMaduro is the only guarantee of Paz 🙏🏻
Unilateral Coercive Measures of Commercial Economic Blockade & Financial Persecution Against Institutions Of The Bolivarian Republic Of #Venezuela
Source: …agoalbasolidarity.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/doc_sa…

86% of Venezuelans Oppose Military Intervention, 81% Against #US Sanctions, Local Polling Shows
By Ben Norton
Grayzone Project 29 January 2019
#VenezuelaFirmaContraLaGuerra #VenezuelaFirmaPorLaPaz #VenezuelaYElMundoConMaduro
👉🏼"We have prepared 150 million for military aid in Venezuela ....
Aah, pardon !! "For humanitarian aid"👈🏼
2 pieces of key context repeatedly missing from “Maduro blocks aid” coverage:
1. Red Cross & UN asked🇺🇸to not send the ‘aid’ knowing it was a pro-invasion PR stunt
2. person in charge of🇺🇸ops in🇻🇪, Elliot Abrams, used aid shipments to arm contras in the 1980s

I’m at Simon de Bolívar square in Caracas where🇻🇪are lining up for blocks to sign a declaration denouncing🇺🇸 intervention & imperialism. One man waiting just told me: “Please put in your picture that we’re not invisible & not being paid.”
People have been waiting for hours at Simon de Bolívar plaza to sign a declaration opposing US intervention and aggression against Venezuela. Lines stretch for blocks. Maybe some other western media is here but I haven’t seen them.
Blood for Oil in Venezuela?
The head of the Red Cross in Colombia, Christoph Harnisch, affirmed that this institution will not participate in the distribution of the assistance that will arrive from the #US to #Venezuela: "We do not participate in what is NOT for us HUMANITARIAN AID."

To add some numbers:
-US aid is $20M, latest sanctions are costing Venezuela $30M..per day!
-@Marco_Teruggi reported that aid amounted to 2 trucks, when the CLAP (subsidized food distribution program) in the border state of Tachira alone fills 40 trucks each time.
9 February 2019-Plaza Simón Bolivar, Beirut, Lebanon: Political leaders take a firm & public stance against intervention in Venezuela's internal affairs while continuing to recognize the constitutional authority of President @NicolasMaduro

🗣️I finish this Thread with the Dahlia Wasfi Epic Speech on War: "Everyone of us, must keep demanding, keep fighting, keep thundering, keep plowing, keep speaking, keep struggling, until justice is served.
@OSFJustice @ICCwatch @AlistairBurtUK @UKUN_NewYork @franceonu @civicusSG @mandeep_tiwana1 @Tor_Hodenfield @gilbertcathal @EHAHRDP @humanrights1st @ONECampaign @SavetheChildren @CARE
#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter