✅CA has the strictest gun laws in the nation
✅CA also loathes imprisoning criminals—felons with illegal guns are given very light sentences
Local police are now going straight to federal authorities to prosecute gun crimes
A long rap sheet dating to 2007—including being a felon in possession of a firearm (his *first* gun arrest)
But when he was arrested again—with a stolen gun—police turned to the feds
Under CA law, felons caught in possession of a firearm could face up to 3 years in prison
That sentence could be reduced by half for good behavior
Some felons caught with guns end up doing time in county jails
Under federal law felons caught in possession of a firearm face 10 years in prison, and must serve at least 85% of that sentence
As for punishing real felons caught with ILLEGAL guns?
Well, the *unstoppable force* of gun crime control runs into the *immovable object* of social justice/criminal reform
Her bills never got far
The ACLU & public defenders opposed them—citing need to keep prison populations from increasing
“We are talking about very dangerous people”
Q. So why did Newsom sign 15 *more* into law?
A: Because he—like most Democrat "gun control" advocates
—is a virtue-signaling hypocrite engaging in performative legislative masturbation; with ZERO effect on gun crime
The Giffords Law Center To Prevent Gun Violence awarded CA its only A grade in its state gun law scorecard

The elephant in the room is the reluctance of "gun control" politicians to actually *enforce* those laws when broken—especially by dangerous criminals and gang members
Whilst ignoring local gun crime—and felons on their doorstep with illegal guns
Exhibit A:
He was RELEASED on a "pretrial diversion program"🤨
And just days later he *checks notes* murders a 71-year-old in an armed robbery
Would love to hear your views on the discrepancy between
✅"More Gun Laws Desperately Needed" = accepted Media Narrative
❌"Existing Gun Laws Desperately Under-Enforced or Ignored for Criminals" = Reality overlooked by most of media