More than 70% of the cities in California do not have **ANY** funds set aside for other post-employment benefits—such as retiree health care—according to State Auditor Elaine Howle.😲…
Simply put, CA governments can promise retirement benefits—including healthcare—WITHOUT accounting for them
Before Detroit took** California's crown, Stockton was the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history
** borrowed…
A worker employed as little as A MONTH could qualify for city-paid retirement health care for the retiree AND his or her spouse FOR LIFE😲
“It’s a Lamborghini plan. No one in the private sector had anything like that.”
“The problem is, nobody asked the question: ‘How do you fund it?’ … It was an unsound decision and it has similarities to a Ponzi scheme”
Voters got rid of Davis, but not the fiscal cancer……

San Jose mayor Reed: The problem was going to grow worse until “you get to a single employee to service the entire city, presumably with a focus on paying pensions"……
"The city would be nothing more than a vehicle to pay the retirement costs of its former workers…It’s a mathematical inevitability”
It reminded me of Madoff’s investment business—anyone could see he was running a Ponzi scheme……

Even a small market downturn—let alone recession—is dark and full of budget terrors…