. . .so expect things to get worse before they get better
The worst thing Democrats can do right now is escalate the situation.
Democracy is under attack. The goal is to save democracy. Schiff, therefore, handled the situation correctly.
"Narrative" in this context means "the story they're trying to create.”
The Democrats are being the adults in the room: Measured, deliberate, cognizant of the dangers.
There are two answers:
Electoral Math 🧮 and Putin Love 💕
First, the math.
The question is: What % of the GOP base will stick with Trump no matter what?
According to 538's polling aggregate, Trump is at 40% approval.
Let’s say he has a lock on 20% of that 40%.
That translates into about 3 percentage points in the general election.
They can’t afford to lose those 3 points.
Thus even without the devastating evidence emerging about Trump, the GOP was in🧮 trouble.
It’s no coincidence that the timeline in the Whistleblower complaints begins in December of 2018, after the Democrats won in the midterms by 8 percentage points.
Trump & Giuliani saw the numbers and were desperate.
Meanwhile, Democratic demographics are expanding.
The Dems morphed into the party of minority and urban communities & young people concerned about guns & climate change.
In the 1990s, Gingrich instructed Republicans to call Democrats “traitors” and to refuse to compromise.
Trump’s base would rather have a Putin-style oligarchy / autocracy than western-style democracy.
For more on the Trump-GOP-Putin love affair, see⤵️
Spoiler: They admire Russia. They really do.
They grew strong because of expanding numbers and increased rights for minorities.
For more on the shifting of the party platforms, see:
See this passage from @maxboot’s book where he figured it out.
Then, in 2016, the far right wing took over the GOP.

Now that Trump empowered the far right corner of the GOP, I don’t think they'll go back to their corner.
Harv. Prof. StevenLevitsky says that for the GOP to remain viable, they have to find a way to appeal to minority communities.

Hence their math problem.🧮
The GOP is backed into a corner and desperate.
Trump and Giuliani getting caught in Ukraine makes their situation even more desperate.
💠 Enough GOP Senators vote against Trump and remove him from office.
Trump’s supporters, enraged, will turn on the GOP, dividing the GOP base, making electoral majority impossible.
(electoral math🧮!)
💠A handful of Senators vote against Trump, but not enough to remove him from office.
This too will (1) enrage Trump’s supporters & divide the GOP and (2)Trump’s crimes will clear to the rest of the nation, ensuring his defeat in 2020.
💠The GOP sticks together and GOP Senators line up behind Trump.
This is the GOP's best chance for survival: They hold their 40% together and try to expand the numbers.
To try to bring this scenario about, they'll pull more of this:
This ties back to Putin Love 💕💕
They want escalation.
For how to respond, see Harvard prof. Levitsky:
(This thread is already too long, so ⤵️)
In fact, it IS complicated. Remember that a hallmark of people with authoritarian dispositions is that they avoid complexity.
Responsible leadership is fully cognizant of the dangers of a radicalized and angry right wing.

Before saying anything resembling “lock them up” or "all criminals must go to jail" please this post: terikanefield-blog.com/justice-and-pu……
The winner isn’t the side that hits hardest.
The winner is the side that saves democracy.
By "dem side" I take it you meant "the left."
Demagogues exist on the left as well as the right.
If you feel people stirring your rage with irrational arguments, step back.
Get off Twitter and get busy.
If you're missing any tweets, they're all here: