-A, 11, El Salvador

Day 104 alt text: painting of a orange and blue fox curled up sleeping with its head on its tail and its paws tucked under its body to keep warm.
-C, teen, Guatemala and the other child she’d been taking care of, S, 4, Guatemala
Alt text: Painting of a spaniel puppy with brown fur and curly ears laying with its paws by it's face
- C, adult, Guatemala traveling with his wife, 4 sons under 13 and 17 year old daughter who had suffered SA-
Day 111 alt text - Painting of the ground view of a sequoia forest, two trees in the foreground and several fading into the mist and atmosphere in the background
"There are days that she does not even want to leave her room. I want my daughter to get therapy. She has told me, crying, ‘Do you think therapy would help me forget? It hurts.’”
-D, adult, Guatemala- wife of C and mother of 5
-D, mother, Guatemala
Day 113 alt text: Image of a hummingbird perched on a string of outdoor lights, one lightbulb near it as it looks up and away
-D, mother, speaking of her 16 year old daughter
-D, mother, Guatemala
-C, father, Guatemala
"We used our sweaters to cover them. I feel that my children have lost a year of their lives going through this entire process.”
-C, father, Guatemala
We were returned to Tijuana later that day…
I'm still afraid of being here in Mexico.”
-LJC, mother, Honduras
Original photo credit: @CateSpice
Alt text: Painting of a brilliant blue/purple flower with five long petals that come to a point around five short rounded petals with a hazy green background full of spots of out of focus daisies
-J Z V C, adult, El Salvador

-LGLL, 12, Guatemala

“I love school. I want to continue working hard in school. I really enjoy studying.”
-LGLL, 12, Guatemala

-LGLL, 12, Guatemala


-MFMO, 12, Ecuador

-MFMO, 12, Ecuador and her 4 and 8 year old sisters

-MFMO, 12, Ecuador

-MFMO, 12, Ecuador

-MZL, 8 and her 6 year old sister, Honduras

-MZL, 8, Honduras

-MZL, 8, and LLO, 6, Honduras

-MZL, 8 and LLO, 6, Honduras

-UEPF, teenage boy, El Salvador

-UEPF, teenage boy held for 19 days at the time of his declaration, from El Salvador

-WASG, 12, and CNSG, 4, Guatemala

-WASG, 12 and CNSG, 4, Guatemala

-WASG, 12, Guatemala