It did over $70k on Black Friday weekend
If you’ve ever considered selling something online, start right now - Black Friday is almost a guaranteed success
Here’s a deep dive on my ads strategy for BFCM:

The key is making your offer very clear - include “Black Friday Sale” in the ad copy, and make sure your ads have a text banner on them with a huge discount number
This is because small audiences can’t scale, broad audiences can by just increasing budget
I targeted all women in US/CA that are “engaged buyers”

I had no custom placements and did no manual bidding, just optimize for conversions at lowest cost
Use a shopify app that offers a discount to customers that share their email address (you want to collect as many as possible)
Don’t be afraid of unsubscribes, this is the weekend to really fight for attention
Offer exceptional deals over email, if your ads are already profitable then selling to your email list has no advertising cost
I’ll do other dives into the specifics of landing page design and email marketing later next week
For anyone wondering - this site was selling a single product - blankets