(b) At mkt opening every day, keep the buy order at 1 point below yesterday's close
(c) In case the order doesn't get executed till 3:25pm, convert into a market order and buy at mkt price (2/n)
(e) So basically, every day you buy 4 lots of FUT and sell 4 lots of OTM CE (next month...600 points away) (3/n)
(g) For OTM CE, no profit target... expectation is that it will expire worthless...in fact, that's the (4/n)
(l) The profit target remains 104 points, irrespective of whether you buy daily after many days... (7/n)
Position sizing = 4 lots per day for a capital of 1Cr... once profit becomes 25L, increase to 5 lots per day...at the rate of 40k per day (9/10)
All suggestions, concerns, issues, criticisms most welcome 🙏