When a person has gastro-enteritis, the toxins produced by the bacteria cause an inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Symptoms of this condition include; abdominal pain, frequent watery stools, vomiting, chills, flatulence, fever and generalized moderate to severe weakness among others. These symptoms can be more intense in children.
- Contact with a person who already has the infection.
- Eating or drinking things contaminated with the organisms that cause this infection.
-Not washing hands after going to the toilet or changing a diaper.
Should you or your child have the above combination of symptoms:
- Ensure to wash your hands with clean water after going to the toilet (this is very important because the disease spreads very rapidly).
- Restrict contact to only one person caring for the patient and ensure that such a person washes their hands after every contact.
- Please wash your hands when you get home at the end of the day(this should be the first thing you do before touching children or eating anything)
- Teach children to do the same.
- Ensure that fruits and vegetables are washed properly with clean water before eating