1/ Nov 5, 2019⤵️ (more...)
"The 'Russia Small Group' — whose existence NSA Director Paul Nakasone announced in July of last year, absent guidance from the White House on how to handle Russian cyberthreats... (con't)
Paul Nakasone, "[t]he head of the National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command confirmed over the weekend that he has set up a task force to counter Russian🇷🇺 cyberthreats to the United States." (more...)
The US govt’s definition of critical infrastructure expanded in 👉Jan 2017 when...DHS put election systems in that category👈."
"Meanwhile, after a controversial meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin last week, US President Donald Trump has vacillated between questioning and accepting the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia meddled in the 2016 election." (more)
Paul "Nakasone, an Army general who became the chief of both NSA and U.S. Cyber Command in April [2018], told Congress in his confirmation hearings earlier this year... (con't)
Apr 26 2019
"Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, said Friday [Apr 26 2019] in a speech in Washington, citing the 👉presence of Russian🇷🇺 intelligence officers in the United States👈 (con't)
[T]he F.B.I. recently moved nearly 40 agents and analysts to the counterintelligence division... Many of the agents will work on the Foreign Influence Task Force... (con't)
Interview w/ General Nakasone, Aug 14, 2019⤵️ (4-minute listen):
Feb 27, 2019:
"The U.S. military blocked Internet access to an infamous Russian🇷🇺 entity... (con't)
"The defense officials would not identify their targets. But other officials said some of the targets were involved in previous Russian🇷🇺 efforts to spread disinformation... (con't)
"The US is helping Montenegro🇲🇪 remove Russian🇷🇺cyberoperatives from nonclassified government systems, a senior Montenegrin official said." (more)
"A presidential order in August [2018] gave Cybercom greater latitude to undertake offensive operations below the level of armed conflict — actions that would not result in death, significant damage or destruction. (con't)
Links to => Sep 20, 2018:
Lots of focus on malign influence generated on foreign soil, but is anyone responsible for malign domestic influence? (I think the answer is 'no,' because of 1st amendment rights.) more...
Nov 11, 2019:
Krebs looks like he has no idea what he's doing😱, and attemps reassurance by saying 'I've gotten all the direction I need from the WH.'😟
Nov 10, 2019:
GOP began leveraging social media amplification during Obama admin.
ForAmerica: a 👉single post👈 on Facebook⤵️=> command to digital army (same phrase used by Flynn in 2015) more...
Dec 8, 2014:
Pages 44-47⤵️