1/ Did you know that Facebook is *even* more evil than we suspected?@Agenthades1 @PortlusGlam @ThomasS4217 @visionsurreal (more...)
Dec 21, 2017 (before FB/CambAnalytica erupted in Mar 2018):
Hired by FB in 2011, Harbath's employees "have become de facto campaign workers" "[i]n some of the world’s biggest democracies—from India and Brazil to Germany and the U.K." (more)
"In the US, the unit embedded employees in Trump’s campaign. (HRC's camp declined a similar offer.) con't
"While Facebook declined to give the size of its politics unit, one exec said it can expand to include hundreds...
FB's "effort effectively helping the Scottish National Party to victory in 2015 is recounted as a 'success story' on Facebook’s corporate website (con't)
"[O]nly a small fraction (less than 10%) of Facebook’s 2.45 billion users live in this democracy, and many live in countries that are not democratic at all." /end
Nov 1, 2019: