So close to the Rousseau pill, you can do it!
Vargpilled lol
Checks out.
Aside from the Hobbes cringe, this episode owns.
Lets see if they realize that this means democracy is incoherent outside the context of ultramontanism lol.
@BMStudebaker, have you read @cbonduk's book "Nemesis"? If not, you really, really, should.
What's left of the left? Apparently the Counter-Enlightenment.
Really makes you think.
"Can I [as the state] have direct relations with my subjects that cut across the church?
Very Jouvenel.
Aimee has no idea just how right she is.

I hope they acknowledge more fascists who weren't Nazis later on.
No wonder everyone on the left hates these people. 🤣
They then apply the obvious lesson of this to fascism.
I hate living in a world where this has to be said.
Don't know why I laughed at this, but I did.
Good to see at least two people took my advice.
Aimee Terese in a rare moment of understatement.
IDK about the redpill, but they definitely took the normiepill.
Sometimes I think I'm the only one on this site who actually read Gramsci or Gregor.
They really need to read Nemesis.
Shameful, someone should get this women some Eisenstein DVDs and pictures of Soviet architecture. I'll start.

Which I'm totally cool with, but it's still false advertising. 7/10