His statement about Asian Americans were divisive, insulting, and hurtful to the growing Asian American community in Texas.
Unfortunately, his statement reflect a common mindset about minority communities.
This exact situation played itself out in the 2012 primaries.
Over time this protection has been eroded.
He didn't request this.
But, he was told that they were "helping" him stay in office.
It's no surprise that courts have found that #txlege has INTENTIONALLY discriminated against minorities no fewer a half dozen times in a decade.
Time and Time again. Well qualifed & well liked minority GOP elected officials get challenged by random white people with little or no qualifications.
I don't have the article, but there was a challenger to a Hispanic Justice, who's response when they asked him why challenge a well liked judge:
"Because he has a Hispanic last name; and I will win."
Judge Chang was a highly respected jurist; applauded for her fairness and efficiency. She was a monster campaigner.
She was defeated in R primary by a brand new lawyer who basically just got fired.
This was reported to me by multiple people who were alarmed by the obvious racist overtones.
Because it was racist.
She was only 1 of 2 incumbents to lose out of nearly 80 positions.
She was the ONLY Asian American Republican elected official in the entire county.
Most of whom are now elected officials!
In case you're keeping score.
GOP: -1
DEM: +6

Rick is now being blacklisted not because he said something that Republicans generally disagree with.
But that he said it out loud.
He told you how the sausage was being made.
If Rick's statement is offensive, then so should the actions made in silence.
"Grossly unqualified"
"Absolutely no business being in any court much less the Texas Supreme Court"
"Couldn't get elected to dog catcher, but wormed his way in to a Supreme Court spot"