This is exactly what is happening; Judicial Watch *is* forcing out what they have had all along.
It’s why I’m so angry with the BS they pulled on Mid Year Exam...
Quick Thread
Here is mention of a Dell Power Edge R750... shipped to Clinton Foundation.
The real concern is that hosting both domains on same server makes it easy to launder classified info.
- ie email exchanges -
Again, both clintonemail(dot)com AND Clinton Foundation on the SAME SERVER!!
ht: @We_Have_Risen for pulling this data

It’s a lot more like... these facts make it appear *likely*!
This... coupled w/CF accepting *many* millions of $$ in foreign money, begs questions...
No Shit!
That maybe interesting for those that looked into the CarterHeavyIndustries@gmail(dot)com fiasco...
Judicial Watch is now suing for those records!
👏 👏 👏
Is it becoming evident?
Some of us have known about her gmail hosting for a while now...
Or, worse, it could be part of an info laundering issue - the ICIG noted that the Carter Heavy gmail address was embedded in meta-data... showing ‘auto-forwarding’ of emails.
In any case... IT’S BAD!
Not bad!!
... of course, you need a SoS that will arm ‘rebels’ (aka terrorists) to take them out. And once that happens, all you need is classified INFO FROM STATE DEPT SHOWING WHERE HE HID IT!
Did you know that Jeffrey Epstein also specialized in recovery of stolen assets?!?
Weird, huh?
He also worked on the other side - helping African dictators hide their money.
... such a stand-up guy!
One of Sid’s memos... that traced to Hillary’s IP, clearly indicating she was indeed hacked.
Repeat After Me:
“The FBI had all of this info before they cleared HRC!!”
- they have had all these docs the whole time
- we’d never know about them if not for Judicial Watch, who are absolute savages in the FOIA game
- the same ppl that let her go... went after President Trump, Flynn & others
Keep getting it and we’ll keep doing our thing... to help.