Tonight's Topic: Why ARMYs Were Targeted By Acts Of Psychological Warfare & Why It UItimately Failed

These are speculatory threads, and you're welcome to disagree with them and take them with a pinch of salt. Thanks!
ARMYs, we're so used to getting attacked that we might not always stop and appreciate the bizarre nature of these efforts or the source.…

+ Attempts to convince us BTS' comeback would underperform
+ Mocked for believing we could help BTS break through in America
+ Told we were "weird" for only supporting BTS (as their damn fandom!)
+ "Requests" we give our time/attention to non-BTS interests
1. Repeatedly invading our international fan cafe (weverse) and demanding our time and attention. I can honestly say I've NEVER seen fans do this to ANY other group's fan case [and expect to live].
What is it about ARMYs that would make us such prime targets for continuous (and now increasingly desperate) acts of psychological warfare?
Even though ARMYs are primarily concerned with BTS and ourselves, I'm now convinced that there's an ongoing and coordinated effort to use ARMYs to destroy Big Hit.
I partially discussed this in a previous TFHT:
What would you do: buy the bread or kick the store manager in the testicles for serving rotten bread...that's not rotten?
Trying over and over to convince ARMYs that our priority is attacking Big Hit and NOT supporting BTS fits that mold.
It's a toss-up at this point if people are more desperate to get us to turn on Big Hit or discourage support for BTS with all of these non-stories and non-scandals.
Our love of facts and receipts makes media play pointless.
This might sound a little weird, but I suspect the reason some people fixate on ARMYs and constantly try to get us down is because of outright jealousy. Not of our success, or even our connection to BTS. But rather, our community aka how we get along.
What makes ARMYs different?
Do you think ARMYs have been the subject of psychological warfare? By whom? And for what reason? Share your own tinfoil theories below!