This thread, like every other "tinfoil hat time" explores a particular conspiracy theory or claim. I'm not asserting anything in this thread to be 100% factual.
Feel free to take it with a grain of salt.
When I announced this topic, two things happened. Some told me that it was absolutely timely because of some recent issues. The other thing? I had people creating accounts *specifically* to gaslight me.
Or at least it would be IF it weren't common enough for a term for this behavior to exist.
"Shilling" is an act by which an accomplice (paid or volunteer) is used to legitimize a company, product, or point of view. People who partake in this behavior are called shills, plants, or stooges.
A shill doesn't even have to believe the rhetoric they're spreading if it's being done strictly for pay.
For instance, some scientific or social experiments will make sure of an actor (confederate) that the subject isn't aware is part of the experiment rather than another test subject such as his or herself.…
As an ARMY, Big Hit's growth isn't exactly terrifying to me. It's to be expected given the massive success that BTS has enjoyed worldwide and how the company has started to expand as a result.
Perhaps the decision to pretend that BTS' success was going to be felt industry-wide was a terrible one.
And it's blatantly obvious that BH is filling that parachute with the long-term in mind.
+ They reported hired Chun Hye Rim, the brain behind the popular Kakao Talk character Ryan
+ They hired a CO-CEO, Lenzo Yoon.
+ This year also saw the release of BTS World, a mobile app game featuring BTS members. ()…
And these aren't the only type of accusations leveled at BH over the years.
If you can distract ARMYs, stop this fandom from doing what it does best (supporting BTS), then you can begin to effectively attack and undermine any future BH goal.
Let's say there ARE shills working for Big Hit rivals. I can't say with 100 percent certainty if I've ever encountered one (this is "tinfoil hat time" remember), but based on certain bizarre encounters and observations I've made...let me theorize.
I am saying that it's odd that you have people who, as BTS (and Big Hit) have gotten larger have started pushing narratives where BTS would be better off failing.
And these rumors continue to spread without any evidence to back them up.
I even had someone make a BS claim about ME while mentioning Big Hit. 🤔
+ Do they encourage ARMYs to support BTS and ARMY in an emotionally healthy and positive way?
+ Does their priority seem to be unordinarily attached to news that harms Big Hit and its future projects?
+ Do they seem to have knowledge or connections that are unexplained?
Do I believe there are company shills in this fandom? If there are, I wouldn't be shocked. It would be THE LEAST surprising thing we've caught K-companies accused of in 2019. 😬
Thank you all for READING!
Have you ever had any strange encounters with people claiming to be ARMYs? If so what exactly gave it away for you that something about the person/account was strange?