No, I did not. I had something better.
He was a farmer's kid who grew up in Wichita and had a wife and two kids by the age of 22. He was an accountant. He referred to pretty much any song with an electric guitar as "narcotic music."
As @pattonoswalt taught us, cool parents are the *worst* and you want a boring, uncool parent.
That was my dad.
Look, my siblings and I are all a bit different -- sort of the Breakfast Club, but no Judd Nelson and Ally Sheedy, and an Emilio Estevez of each gender.
Pictured below: me.

Often, this would fail. (Usually on music. Finding out I was into R.E.M., he asked if they used to be called R.E.M. Speedwagon.)
And as I said, I really loved SNL in the mid-80s, and comedy in general too.
So he took me to see Cosby, and then he took me (with some regrets later) to see Eddie Murphy on the "Raw" tour.
A lot of that hasn't aged well, but a lot of it was pretty shocking at the time.
Especially for the accountant who'd taken his fourteen-year-old Eddie-Murphy-fan son there.
He was there for me.
And that's a truly cool dad.