Don't need to attend any courses, don't need to keep learning new things, fooling yourself with-"life is one big learning till the end", don't need fancy degrees, certified or uncertified
The stress here is that no one can ensure it for you🙏
A ST investor - Go with daily +divergences in Day T/f
A MT & LT investor - Go with + divergences of week/ Mth
If you are a trader:
Go with "both" +ve ^& -ve divergences in Day & week t/f
Will flood with divergences today!!😀🙏
If don't apply, you'll never grow😃
ICICIBANK, making life time highs regularly, never confirmed the -ve divergences with a close below 26 Dema
divergences fail in 3rd waves
Learn "Elliott Wave Principle" - a free online book-link here- 😀🙏