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Sep 25th 2022
Why does the Government of India, Twitter or broadband service providers censor searchable adult content on Twitter like searching hashtag “Allie Haze”? @Twitter #adultcontent #porn #censorship #internet #sex #broadband @JioCare #jiofiber @internetfreedom Image
@Twitter @JioCare @internetfreedom Why does the Government of India, Twitter, or broadband service providers censor searchable adult content on Twitter like searching hashtag “Allie Haze”? Is it by court order? @PMOIndia @JioCare @internetfreedom @TwitterSupport @barandbench
@Twitter @JioCare @internetfreedom @PMOIndia @TwitterSupport @barandbench Did I miss something related to the twitter adult content censorship circular from the Government of India or the Court? @IndianExpress…
Read 23 tweets
Nov 16th 2019
"Uighurs make up close to 90 percent of the population in the south, compared to just under half in #Xinjiang over all, and Mr. Xi set a long-term goal of attracting more Han Chinese settlers."…
"[#Xi] & other party leaders ordered a quasi-#military organization, the #Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps [#XPCC], to accelerate efforts to settle the area with more #HanChinese, the docs show."…

Here's my history of XPCC:…
I offer a history of #Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps [#XPCC] in the #Encyclopedia of Modern #China:…

Here are the key excerpts from “People’s Liberation Army: #Military Enterprises & Industry Since 1949” (pp. 112-115):…
Read 15 tweets

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