If you're too nervous to take the stage, then warm up with writing.
If you don't know what to write about, then write about your speech anxiety.
Clarity melts anxiety.
Each word will help you calm down.
It works because it gets you focused on the fundamentals.
Cut out the noise for a second.
Public speaking is no more than connected ideas....👇👀
'I thought public speaking was mainly about speaking in front of an audience?'
Surprisingly, no.
The basics.
Everything else is the basics being manipulated in new ways to create something beautiful.
Aka, the speech
Empathy is a derivative of self understanding.
If you don't understand yourself, then you'll be subpar at understanding others.
Can you do it?
But like I said, subpar at best.
You can do all the flashy tactics to get the audience to like you.
Will that work?
But it will be subpar at best
Don't focus on the HOW, yet.
Ex: how do I stand, how do i speak, how do I make eye contact.
Your attention is too dispersed.
Focus ALL the energy on the WHAT.
Ex: what the fuck am I talking about
No lie...
It takes many toastmasters and public speakers, multiple speeches to learn this fundamental principle.
☆first focus on the WHAT
☆then polish up the HOW
Writing allows you to warm up with connecting ideas.
Gets you confident in expressing your thoughts.
But more importantly, gets you to understand what those thoughts are in the first place.
You're much better of learning how to crack an egg before making an omelette.
You're much better off getting your business to profit before scaling.
That's more of a question you wanna ask yourself.
Writing is a process of self discovery
You need to take the journey on your own & have faith you'll figure it out
Boring, stiff & snoozeworthy.
So let me give you some minor tips rather than frameworks
1. Write like you talk.
2. Focus more on message vs. word selection, grammar, sentence structure.
3. You'll have a lot before you have little
Redundant words will begin to fall off.
And the message will get stronger.
Twitter is my favorite tool for writing because it challenges you to say more with less.
Microsoft word, journal, blog etc.
The message matters more than the medium.
Warm up before you speak on stage.
'Low confidence.'
What if i told you to give others 20$. How would you feel?
'High confidence.'
And much more....
A lot of your speech anxiety melts when you invest in the fundamentals rather than tricks.
Ideas win in the battlefield of the stage.
Everything comes 2nd.
Never forget that.
Since you made it this far...
Recording your speeches slashes your Learning curve even more.
On this stage you can focus on the HOW.
Recording your speeches
Will put you ahead of the masses.
'That's it?'
Yep, that's it
So focus on doing less, not more.
Don't try to look 'cool' for acceptance.
Believe In your message & you'll end up being accepted by accident
Writing & speaking were Yin & Yang all along.
And it's about time that you realize that
For more practical public speaking tips, follow @ArmaniTalks