- killed by fishing gear
- killed by ship collision
- killed by chemical pollution
- killed by hunting
- killed by plastics
- killed by microplastics
- killed by abrupt climate change
- killed by food chain disruption
Capitalism is murdering the Ocean.
2. Human activity is political
3. Politics can't be divorced from economics, which used to be called (more accurately) Political Economy
4. The dominant political/economic system? Capitalism
Researchers note that climate change is not the primary driver of mass extinction in the oceans'
Please read and share. 👇
the blue whale
the bajii whale
the bowhead whale
the fin whale
the sei whale
the beluga whale
most critically endangered species:
North Atlantic Right whale
grey whale orcireland.ie/world-whale-da…
'Without a dramatic shift in the business-as-usual course for marine management..the oceans will endure a mass extinction of sufficient intensity and ecological selectivity to rank among the major extinctions'science.sciencemag.org/content/353/63…