A fragil ice heart beats under the limestone soil of Picos de Europa National Park. The only way in is through the ice caves. In march @asturiassemanal@RTPAOficial broadcasted this story I shot with an #iPhoneX & a light gear after a 4 hours walk #mojo
In April we went to the #polls: it was just the first out of three times we’ve voted in #2019. #Elections bring opportunities to do things that are not on the day to day routine. This promo announced a #debate among candidates in @RTPAOficial#mojo
There’s a village in #Burgos where newborns are jumped over to free them from evil. Tradition dates back to 17th century and attracts crowds. I happend to be around and shot this story on the go using just an #iPhone 6splus. I shared it on mai on YT: #mojo
August brought time to start the project I’d been longing for: research and film the story of Suárez, a photographer whose pics tell the story of war in #Asturias. It was my 2019 new year’s proposal. Research is taking long so it’s again my 2020 #mojo goal
‘The Volcano’ was screened on september 2019 at @mojoitaly and selected as best #news long repor. It shows the aftermath of a devastating eruption in #Guatemala. Although shot on 2018, unfortunately is still a current issue ➡️ ➡️facebook.com/27767474600971…
In october we boarded 3 regular flights, changed to a small plane and sailed 1 day along the #Araguaia river in #Brazil following the steps of a missionary that painted shocking murals on #MatoGrosso churches It was the final part of a #mojo documentary @RTPAOficial is working on
From #Brazil, in november we continued our way to #Peru in order to document the life and works of the missionary artist in that country. Filming is now over so editing such amount of stuff will be my first assignment at @RTPAOficial for 2019. #mojo
It was not scheduled but the archaeological discovery was so remarkable that in @RTPAOficial we shot, edit & broadcast in December this docu on a #Roman#villa found in #Asturias. Good bye, 2019. Regarding #mojo you’d been and interesting and busy year ▶️bit.ly/39t92hW
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En este primer aniversario de los #incendios de #Asturias hay que recordar lo que dicen las estadísticas desde que se recogen: la oleada no fue ni fortuita ni tan excepcional
Asturias lleva al menos medio siglo entre los campeones del #fuego intencionado de la península ibérica🧵
Ni siquiera la oleada de 2023 -con 32.000 has quemadas- hizo de este el peor año.
Aunque ardió el 3% de #Asturias en apenas 10 días…
Aunque aportó el 36% de lo #calcinado en la península ese año…
En 1985 habían quemado 42.000 hectáreas. Y en 1978, 30.000.
Gráficos: TPA
Quién quemaba, cómo y cuándo lo hacía, lo explicaba ya entonces -1981- el responsable de incendios de Icona. Así lo recogimos en ‘La espiral del #fuego’ de @asturiassemanal. Nos sorprendió encontrar una explicación tan clara -y en blanco y negro- de lo que seguimos escuchando.
¿Por qué queman #Asturias?
En 2016, tras la oleada de incendios de 2015, Antonio Colina, profesor de la #Universidad de #Oviedo@uniovi_info y coordinador de la Estrategia de prevención y lucha contra los #incendios de Asturias, dijo a @asturiassemanal algo que me quedó grabado:
“El número de los #incendios es indicativo de la #conflictividad. Hay que recordar que en #Asturias apenas tenemos fuegos por causas naturales”. No era una opinión. Los datos de las Brigadas de Investigación de Incendios de #Asturias, creadas en 2002, lo dejaban claro: 👇🏻
A grandes rasgos, de cada 100 incendios:
▶️ 82 son intencionados
▶️12 son por negligencias
▶️3, por rayos y causas naturales (…)
▶️Y 1 incendio al año, solo uno, es obra de pirómanos
Wich apps can help you produce a documentary on mobile?
Following long used apps + recommendations from @MarcSettle at @MoJoFest + selfsearching, I edit 10 short episodes of #ProyectoSuárez, a documentary series (watch 👇🏻)
🟢 You don’t need to master every role but…
🟢 You need to be ready to wear different hats
🟢Be mindful of your strengths and weakness
🟢keep curious (and keep learning)
At home I had an iPad Pro 9’7’’ 256 Gg with @lumatouch
I use it 6 weeks until I updated to an iPad Pro 12,9’’ 1 Th to gain capacity
The raw material changed also.
Apart from .MXF files filmed by my colleague with a #Sony FS7M2, we received files shot by our audience (as seen on the pic) with our guidance or by ourselves with the phone (.mp4 and .mov), GOPRO or whatever.