It's the time of year where we are inundated in end-of-year top10 lists... but how many of those lists are made for _US_ and our community?
So I decided to compile my own #top10 best photonics papers list for 2019
A #top10photonics thread 👇
These aren't just papers that were published in 2019. They are papers that were added to my library in 2019. Some are a little older — some are a lot older. All are interesting or exciting to me in some way.
Now, on to the show!

Yang, Y. et al. A General Theoretical and Experimental Framework for Nanoscale Electromagnetism. Nature 576, 248–252 (2019).…
Arieli, U. Broadband coherent hyperspectral near-field imaging of plasmonic nanostructures. Opt. Express 1, 9815–9820 (2019).…

Yoon, G. et al. Sci. Rep. 7, 1–8 (2017)…

Sci. Adv. 1, e1601591 (2016)
Liu, S. et al. An all-dielectric metasurface as a broadband optical frequency mixer. Nat. Commun. 9, 2507 (2018).…

Koshelev, K., Asymmetric metasurfaces with high-Q resonances governed by bound states in the continuum. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 193903 (2018).…

Timurdogan, E. Electric field-induced second-order nonlinear optical effects in silicon waveguides. Nat. Photonics 11, 200–206 (2017).…

This work was presented to a packed house in CLEO a few years back. It clearly represented some sort of milestone. It's interesting how exciting this work was at the time, and how it feels their thunder has been completely taken over by newer work in lithium niobate
That is, I haven't heard of other groups mimicking this voltage-controlled Chi2 in silicon, but there are DOZENs of lithium niobate papers out now. (Oddly, it occurs to me that I didn't include any of them in this list 🤔) #top10photonics
I have been waiting for metasurfaces to do things that isn't lensing. Here's a nice example:
Cordaro, A. High-index dielectric metasurfaces performing mathematical operations. Nano Lett. 19, 8418–8423 (2019).…


Banerji, S. et al. Imaging with flat optics: metalenses or diffractive lenses? Optica 6, 805–810 (2019).…
I think metasurfaces are really exciting for all sorts of reasons— but we already have lenses to do lensing. When we were first coming up with metamaterials (meta~ beyond) the idea was to do NEW things, not just the same things we could do before but... thinner.
Stern, B., Ji, X., Okawachi, Y., Gaeta, A. L. & Lipson, M. Battery-operated integrated frequency comb generator. Nature 562, 401–405 (2018).…

This work by the @Michallipson and @gaeta_alexander groups feels like the culmination of 2 decades of work. Everyone has been trying to get propagation losses lower and lower, and to what end? This feels like it's it.
What else is remarkable is that _everyone_ is working in silicon photonics. This isn't a niche material like Lithium Niobate or ITO. And yet, somehow, @Michallipson still manages to be the one to get to this milestone result first, despite moving institutions...
...and more importantly, *gasp* fabrication facilities! Just imagine having the world's best etch recipe, and then needing to completely redevelop it in a new etcher. And then posting Q factors of 10 million! #top10photonics
And happy new year! I hope you all publish multiple Nature papers that can be featured here in 2020 :)