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I'm thinking about new years resolutions.

First is I need to *get* capitalism at a philosophical level. I've been a bad CEO because of collaboration style habits held over from the think tank world

Good think tanks are egalitarian: communication between equals. Companies aren't
So I need to get more used to capitalist conceptions of money and power, rather than trying to run an utterly flat shop which completely maximises the intelligence of all participants.

People have emotions about money. I don't (yoga broke that out of me.)

Beneficent authority.
My religious tradition also emphasises absolute spiritual equality. I can't think of myself as "better than" in an epidemiological way.

Being smarter is no more "me" than being taller or being older. These are jus attributes of the self, not the self itself.

Not CEO mind!
Second thing, related, is that I need to start a cult. I spend pushing 20 years on esoteric yoga post enlightenment, and I know *a lot of shit.*

If I don't start teaching it, a lot of it will die with me - it takes *a long time* for students to master these things, decades.
I've maintained a low key presence online, but I've always carefully couched my spirituality as RADIOACTIVE, STAY AWAY FROM THIS.

But, actually, this shit works, and it's not the pandering nonsense that Tibetan and other Asian traditions sold Americans in the 1960s.

It's old.
So I'm going to need to stop scaring people away from my karma yoga, and let people who are a little less flagrantly hardcore come to learn it.

I've been being prissy and difficult, even discouraging.

But hey how many enlightened engineers are there?

I have something to teach.
This boils down to developing an ego.

I usually live as a servant. I've occupied relatively menial positions close to some of the greatest minds of our age: say editing @AmoryLovins, PMing @VitalikButerin just trying to help spread their work.

I seldom feel personal pride.
So this again is an adaptation to the CEO role: we are doing this my way because my way is the best way, and we have to do it the best way to protect the investors.

The whole thing is duty of care focussed thorough a certain, kinda alien, personal arrogance.

Not ashram mode!
I've been remarkably gentle in my approaches. I am deathly afraid of controlling people or depriving then of free will. Freedom as a thing we *create around us* - spaciousness - was really drilled into my by my guru.

Everything was about making more space for people to be whole.
So my new years resolution is o unpick more of the ashram and think-tank conditioning, and turn myself into an effective CEO in the best modern style.

It's what needs to get done. The world needs me in this role, @mattereum is actually important, and so I must change myself.

Damned autocorrect.
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