1/ The Lindy principle: for something non perishable, age is an estimate for life expectancy
Example: a book which has been popular for 100 years is likely to be still popular in 100 years
Last year’s bestseller is unlikely to be popular in 100y
The environment constantly changes; something which survived for long lived through many different environmental conditions and demonstrated survival to change.
A book which is popular across many counties is less likely to require assumptions which are true for a single country, and is therefore Lindier than a book which is only popular in one country.
Which brings us to the topic of this thread:
Choose Lindy objectives: objectives which do not require many assumptions for them to be good for you (or be flexible in changing them)
However, they’re more likely to be traps.
As time passes, circumstances change and they’re not a good fit for you anymore.
For example…
Or a life choice which was good for your 20s might become harmful for who you are in your 30s.