I 100% found that Validity and Proof. This has been a PLANNED thought out Revival Process by this #miner since March 2019...I WILL TAKE IT STEP BY STEP. 👇
2. Next key Part of this first page of 8 is a CLEAR MENTION OF $GGSM and the SUBSIDIARY they OWN.
This is 100% confirmation..AN EXPLORATION PLAN submitted by the VP to get approval for those MEXICO Mining Sub Filings @craig_carmon Found for May of 2019. 👇

When we scroll further down this document just to prove even further Legitimacy for $GGSM and their subsidiary.
"formalized before a notary public and registered before the public registry of mining, GOVERNMENT AGENCY."
About as Legit as it gets for an OTC trip.

1 more look at that same Document because there are some Key Details presented here.
We get CLEAR indication of further exploration to come from $GGSM which to me speaks Catalysts coming
We also once again have a VERY CLEAR WORD BY WORD mention of $GGSM in DETAIL. 👇

When we begin to scroll further into these documents we get clear indication of healthy assay samples already measured....
1 sample in Particular stands out :
SAMPLE 2C : 6080g/t #silver sample or approx 215oz/t.
Very high...This to me SPEAKS #silver #miner project

I included a nice little chart below to give you an idea of how high this #silver sample is 👇(215oz/t).
$GGSM even has a DETAILED EMPLOYMENT PLAN for this Project. 👇
*NOW THE NEXT STEP 5/15/2019*

SO AFTER THIS Mar 24, 2019 document ONLY 2 Months Later we have the Official Filings for that Same Mining Project with the Government of Mexico which is what @craig_carmon found a couple days ago. THIS WAS THE KEY 2ND STEP FOR $GGSM...and another well thought out one.

Now the 3rd Key Step $GGSM took towards Revival.
Verified OTC Profile. Now...Don't mistake this for "ta verified"...much different. This means the Company $GGSM itself Paid OTC for Access and Has Access to Update their Profile...This can cost a few thousand alone.

*Now 4th and Final Step*
3 more Months after 9/2019 OTC Verification. A twitter appears stating watch for updates Early 2020. This also has the initials RP next to it.....I WOULD BET A LOT OF MONEY THIS STANDS FOR :
Rafael Pinedo President and Chairman of $GGSM.

last little holes for the haters.....
Why is the website 403? : Probably because it's being updated they are obviously doing a lot right now, THIS IS NORMAL.
now on their twitter...I see a TON of haters on this just like SBES in the beginning. For what reason? No idea

But...this wouldn't be the FIRST TIME I have seen a legitimate OTC company twitter taken down because a bunch of haters reported it as "promotion/scam"....I BET THATS EXACTLY what happened....no other reason for it...there is a concrete trail here...

3/24/2019 : PHASE 2 Exploration and Mining Plan.
3/27/2019 : Website update
5/15/2019 : Official Filings with Mexico Mining Directory.
9/1/2019 : Verified OTC Profile.
12/4/2019 : $GGSM twitter states updates early next year.
So after all that👆👆....I would say we have a PROVEN CONCRETE TRAIL here....I would have 👀PEELED for Updates/Filings Next.....AND possibly for that twitter to come back up wouldn't surprise me either....
This reminds me a lot of a $BONZ $ACRL type.....01+ here