I feel i need to write this in an attempt to try and help some understand why i think the green movement have alot to answer for regarding these fires and the build up of fuel.
This is a complex issue but i will try my best.
As you can imagine the farmers couldn't understand why we were being denied water to just watch it flow into the oceans
Next thing you know they started turning up with maps and pink pens and had decided they could now tell you where and what you could do with your land and if they thought it was enviromentally sensitive out come
By this time my business and alot of our works been made illegal .We were never offered any compensation and told to "just reinvent yourself "..
There is now thousands of acres of once good productive land covered in this overgrown fire hazard.
This is about the same time the EPA now the department of environment and heritage arrived on the seen. They were my new gate keepers.
I always tried to work within the law so we got to know them pretty well and they would turn up claiming
Until all of the sudden we started getting letters after the visits stating after further investigation they had decided not to take any further action
Again the green agendah had rared its ugly head
I pointed out it was a boundary between the NPWS land
I was told " good "..
Council then fined me for developmental without development concent.
Not surprisingly those EPA official warnings turned up and painted me as someone that had had 3 warnings and was a bad boy..
Now this is just my experience in my local area of the Mid North Coast so i dont know if this is national.
I expect all the abuse i will receive and have broad sholders so fire away.
Hope it helps some understand . I know alot won't want to. .lol