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#GrupoSSI con @KARMELESSI participa en el lanzamiento del observatorio #EFFELab #thinktank en Bruselas, en un contexto donde @EFFE_EU celebra 10 años de existencia.

>> Impacto de las tareas de los cuidados en el domicilio.

@Assindatcolf @Fepemfr
📙 Animamos a visitar la web de EFFE, donde se presenta la cartografía de datos y el análisis exhaustivo de la realidad desde diferentes países:…

#EFFELAB #PHS #EU27 #cuidados

@EFFE_EU @Assindatcolf @Fepemfr
#grupossi @iperia_institut
¿Qué impacto supone la regulación del sector de los #cuidados en el domicilio en las políticas públicas?
Interesantes reflexiones de Aude Boisseuil, @MB_Levaux, Jean-François Lebrun, @MarcAngel_lu @milan_brglez @brunobarata75 @BachmannDana...

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In the past few days @sd270 and I have been frantically analysing the data we got from @ecfr latest poll on European perceptions of French diplomatic leadership. Unroll 🧵for an insight on our main findings (1/10)
European citizens want more cooperation on #security and expect the EU to provide it (2/10) #ECFRdata
Europeans are disillusioned with how the global system of international cooperation is handling today’s challenges. 71% believe that the system is not working on #climatechange. (3/10) #ECFRdata
Read 10 tweets
Our new polling shows: the steps taken at EU level since the #RussianInvasionOfUkraine seem to be the minimum the European public expects. Europeans are calling for deeper long-term cooperation on #security matters at EU level. | A thread👇 (1/9)…
Europeans are disillusioned with how the global system of international cooperation is handling today’s challenges. 71% believe that the system is not working on #climatechange. (2/9) #ECFRdata
Confidence in national political systems is at a low ebb across Europe, with a majority of Europeans (58%) holding the view that ordinary voters have almost “no impact” on today’s politics. 🇪🇺 But support for EU institutions, however, remains high! (3/9) #ECFRdata
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Just want to say that @BorisJohnson & @SajidJavid are playing a very dangerous game. By allowing case numbers to grow, the UK has more cases than the entire #EU27 combined. We are a petri dish for a new mutation that could out smart present vaccines & could endanger the world. 😖
And, this government is also condemning young people to catching #COVID19 and the risk of suffering #LongCOVID. People over in the US are horrified that school age children are not wearing masks and are not yet being vaccinate. Our schools are presently super-spreader sites.
As I was saying earlier... 😳

UK scientists caution that lifting of Covid rules is like building ‘variant factories’

Experts react with dismay to ‘frightening’ attitude of Sajid Javid towards removing protections

#COVID19 #CoronaVirus #PlagueIsland…
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Extensive U.K. discussion on #EU27 approach to #Brexit. Began with @anandMenon1 & @jillongovt who suggested 1 reason for hard Brexit is ‘defensive’ EU. Now @Mij_Europe has a poll offering the ‘defensive’ option. @NashSGC has thread explaining why EU defensive-SM. @BrigidLaffan
1. EU must defend the gains of integration both polity & market power. This is not ‘defensive’ as in anxious but defending achievements @BrigidLaffan
2. Membership has to matter or why would states submit to mutual vulnerability. If the #Brexit argument is to throw off constraint why would the 27 allow an imbalance between rights & obligations especially for a large state @BrigidLaffan
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Participated in a very interesting panel this week @StAntsCollege @UniofOxford & was asked 2 excellent questions by @KalypsoNicolaid & @fromTGA on why #EU27 was united against UK but not Putin & XI Jinping & why UK leaving EU was more a threat than Hungary @BrigidLaffan
1. Unity stemmed from existential nature of #Brexit-first country to leave EU, a vote of no confidence in the Union & the hard Brexiteers led by Farage wanted destruction of the Union @BrigidLaffan
2. #EU27 had to protect the polity & the market against UK’s departure. Membership has to matter-if a former member could retain lots of rights while outside the club the internal equilibrium of the Union would be jeopardised. @BrigidLaffan
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An open letter to Boris Johnson


Dear Boris Johnson,

I am aware that people who serve in leadership positions are often motivated by the legacy they leave behind. No one would wish the current COVID crisis on any world leader.

@BorisJohnson @ConHome
However, to add the man-made project of Brexit to the natural crisis of COVID adds needless stress to a country about to have its resilience tested in ways that are unimaginable in peace time.
An 11% GDP hit from COVID x a 5-9% additional hit from Brexit will produce a lasting L-shaped (L = LONG) recession. For the good of the country and in terms of how you will be viewed by history, I ask you to demonstrate true leadership and turn back from this “Britastrophe”.
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1/ Governments are largely not making #ClimateChange action central to their COVID-19 recovery packages, despite some signs of good intentions - our new briefing for #CWNY, released today
2/ We've analysed the post-#COVID_19 #recovery packages of 5 countries: #China, #EU27, #India, #SouthKorea and the #USA. Only two lean towards using the pandemic recovery to address the global #climate crisis: the EU27, and South Korea. First, we looked at overarching packages.
3/ We assessed 106 domestic measures across the 5 countries, differentiating between overarching packages & individual interventions, and rated them. The picture is not the most encouraging.
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Hard factual headlines will follow this one:

"Tories have maxed up UK state debt by 2.5 times in just 9 and half years!" This is unprecedented in peacetime!

"Despite #Tory #Lies to the contrary? UK #economy is flat on its back, and likely to fall further - GDP was just 0.1% in the 6 months to 30sep19 being our worst showing since the financial crash!"

GDP(Gross Domestic Product) = total output of UK #economy, on which vital tax-take depends. HMG needs our tax (from companies, employees, householders) to fund OUR public services. Flat GDP growth (low % uplift) means less capability to fund services on which we depend!

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Just days away from a #GE2019 which will shape UK for many generations to come!

Some incontrovertible facts:

1/ UK GDP% growth has stalled, at just 0.1% over the 6 months to 30sep19 (so, virtually flat-lining). This is the worst 1/2 year performance since the financial crash.
2/ Three plus years on from the disastrous #EURef, we now KNOW that destabilising Russian influence/cash was a material factor in driving the #Leave Vote. So, #RussiaReport MUST be released BEFORE we vote again in #GE2019.
3/ Russian agents also freely KILL (when directed & funded to do so) on the streets of Britain, so let's not readily 'pooh pooh' their ambition & reach to destabilise both the #UK & #EU.
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#OpportunityCost is the aggregate net cost of doing something, vis a vis 'not doing it' at all.

The initial project, option & prospect of #Brexit came with huge opportunity costs, which were too easily pre-discounted as #ProjectFear. 1/
The initial #Leave case, dramatised by the #BorisBus, contended that UK could save its £350m pw #EU 'gross membership contribution' and pass that 'saving' straight to the #NHS - as 'additional funding'. 2/
The #Leave case focused on saving UK's #EU gross membership cost in favour of #NHS.

It ignored regular #EU annual contributions back into a multiplicity of UK projects, which would obviously be stopped, if we ceased membership.
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@ameliagentleman Can I say a word or two about #theforgetten @BritishInEurope especially people in France? Like the UK, since 2003, France doesn't require #EUcitizens to register, unlike other countries. We do, however, have the right to a residency permit, called a carte de séjour, as long as...
@ameliagentleman @BritishInEurope We fulfill certain criteria. These include income, whether we are working, students, or retired, how long we have been here, etc. Many thousands of us started to apply to stay in our own homes (sound familiar?) and keep our jobs after the referendum - many of us couldn't vote.. 3
@ameliagentleman @BritishInEurope Either because we had been out of the UK for 15yrs + (cf Tory manifesto) or our ballots didn't arrive or our proxies didn't get the papers. (This also happened for the recent EU elections). So, to get our cartes, we have to get an appointment at the local prefecture/police... 4
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Had a phone call from my friend in Belgium who watches French news channels. One channel has a daily debate & today they discussed #Brexit with two UK journalists amongst the panel.

One thing was certain. If Johnson doesn't pay the £39 Billion there won't be any trade deal. 1/4
Also, they had a really good interview with Steve Bray @snb19692 & other #Remain campaigners. Overall that part of the programme was very optimistic.

One other thing was very clear. The brinkmanship strategy that Johnson is using will fail. The #EU27 are united. 2/4
The EU Withdrawal Agreement has been painstakingly negotiated over a 2 year period. Every possibility regarding the N.I. backstop was explored. The best solution that respected the Good Friday Agreement was the version in the agreement. 3/4
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Any #Brexit would be a total #Catastrophuc for UK! Reasons will follow in this 12 part thread, to be developed over coming days. If you know of any NET benefits from #Brexit, please feed them in. They'd need to be good to match the >£1bn pw this mess is ALREADY costing US! 1/12.
Easiest one first! Full #EU membership (as NOW) gives the UK unrestricted tariff-free & frictionless trade access to an enlarged & well developed HOME market of 550+ million people in 27 fellow member states, being SO much MORE than our own UK of 4 much smaller parts. 2/12.
Brexiteers discount EU's relentless progress in terms of comprehensive trade deals with international markets. While UK has been a busy fool, chasing Brexit and getting nowhere! EU has signed Canada, Korea, Japan and (recently) Brazil & Argentina! All OURS to access NOW! 3/12.
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I regret the outcome of tonight's #Brexitvote. It is disappointing that the UK government has been unable to ensure a majority for the Withdrawal Agreement agreed by both parties in November, even after multiple additional assurances from the EU. A solution must come from London.
The EU continues to stand by the Withdrawal Agreement, including the backstop, which serves to prevent a hard border in Ireland and preserve the integrity of the single market unless and until alternative arrangements can be found.
With only 17 days left until March 29th, the Dutch government will keep working tirelessly to make sure the damage for NL and Dutch citizens living and working in the UK is minimised in the now more likely case of a no-deal #Brexit.
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Short thread 1. Not sure that @SteveBarclay & @Theresa_May are fully aware of what they are asking of #EU27 to make one last shove to get the deal over the line. The EU has been here before with David Cameron. Context is everyhing. @BrigidLaffan
2. EU was grappling with the Euro crisis followed by the refugee crisis in summer 2015 when David Cameron came calling for his renegotiation. Despite misgivings, UK’s partners gave him significant concessions & there was unhappiness in other member states. @BrigidLaffan
3. Having got a deal, it sank without trace & had no impact on ref other than as an object of attack. Cameron did not sell it. As we know the Remain campaign was very poor & Leave won. @BrigidLaffan
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Thank you @jillongovt for posting this-must listen. Great to have a focus on the future. Interestingly I disagree with Sir Ivan on his portrayal of the #EU approach to negs- technocratic & run by the theologians & not strategic in summary. @BrigidLaffan
In my view EU had 3 strategic interests to protect in Brexit negs which it has done. 1. Following the portrayal of EU as weak & disintegrating during ref, EU had to assert its centrality in Europe. @BrigidLaffan
2. Membership has to matter/a departing state that wants to retain a lot of the status quo cannot be allowed to do so. 3. The rules based system had to be protected. @BrigidLaffan
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Diplomatic sources: the #Corbyn visit to Brussels was a waste of time because he wants a) a general election b) a new deal featuring a customs union for which there is no time and he does not have a majority in the Commons. The visit left EU officials shaking their heads
The May visit also left EU officials shaking their heads in disbelief. May spoke of progress, Juncker was pessimistic that a no deal #Brexit could be averted. EU officials do not believe the WA will get a majority in the Commons
Work continues in Brussels on an additional document on #Brexit to be appended to the Withdrawal Agreement. It would have to be approved by EU leaders at their next summit on 21 March. It will then be given to UK. However it will not contradict the WA ie will not satisfy ERG
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There's been relatively little discussion about Brexit at @ucu VP hustings. This is likely because of our collective levels of despair, and ferocity of views held, but we as a union MUST be on top of the issues as strongly as possible. Here are my thoughts ⬇ /1
Thanks to @alvaromp for the question - I hope to be able to talk more to him and others in person about this (and more) at remaining hustings!
(List:…) /2
It would be easy to panic & disappear into a black hole of doom over current state of #Brexitshambles. But as a trade union we must always look for ways to defend, protect + improve the situation for our members & for society as a whole. 3/
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@CER_Grant @NewStatesman @CER_EU Thoughtful & interesting with important insights but must disagree on a number of issues @BrigidLaffan
@CER_Grant @NewStatesman @CER_EU 1. The U.K. post Brexit cannot avail of the European Arrest Warrant unless there is ECJ oversight- any request would be challenged in EU27 courts. Other areas that involve individual rights are similar @BrigidLaffan
@CER_Grant @NewStatesman @CER_EU 2. It is really dangerous for the #UK’s future to wrap itself in a punishment narrative-the #EU has not bullied the UK is leaving on a voluntary basis-comfort blanket of EU punishment will prevent the state & society of taking ownership of the choices it has made @BrigidLaffan
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The French community in the 🇬🇧 is "one of the most important ones in the world, with more than 143 000 French citizens signed up on consular registers" - Europe Minister @NathalieLoiseau addresses the 🇫🇷 community at the @ifru_london
"If there are so many of you which are established here, it is a sign that our talents are sought after and appreciated. You bring a '🇫🇷 touch', so loved in many different fields"
"Beyond exiting the #EU, #France will remain a key partner for the #UK, in every single sector."
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001/ [article content in this tweet series 001-180 reproduced with permission from Martin Howe QC of Lawyers for Britain @lawyers4britain]
#quote "Leaving the EU on WTO terms: pulling down the barriers to world trade
Introduction: why prices will FALL after Brexit, not rise" /002
002/ #quote "Over the past couple of weeks, the media have been full of lurid scare stories about what will happen if the UK leaves the EU on WTO terms, because negotiations with the EU do not result in a withdrawal agreement." /003
#tariffs #NoDeal #Brexit #WTO #ProjectFear #shortages #food #medicines
003/ #quote "One of the most ridiculous and UNJUSTIFIED of these absurd scare stories is that it will lead to higher prices, and even shortages, of foods and medicines." /004
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Getting Member States involved in #Brexit negotiations will not help the #UK. It will most likely fuel domestic politicization of Brexit in #EU27 countries. This will be detrimental to UK interests.
UK #Brexit strategists and commentators as diverse as @Jeremy_Hunt, @CER_Grant , @anandMenon1 and @fromTGA warn about the dangers of No Deal for British public opinion and call on #EU27 member states to get involved.…
The British people will hate the EU for a generation, they warn.

The idea/hope is that MS governments will be more willing to give in to British demands. I think this is a flawed argument that overlooks the dynamics of politicization.
Read 13 tweets

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