Everybody is talking about Vision. Goals, being creative and relentless in the pursuit and achievement of this vision..
But where do it all start from. What is the source of vision! What is it's purpose.
My people, welcome to #SartudaySonesis ...
Walk with me..

Joel 2:28
These 3 dictionary definitions of the word Vision concisely align with the insights of Vision laid for us in the Scriptures
This is where I will be dwelling on coz frankly, the "Imagination" and "action" part of vision have already been emphasized.
A Vision is First Seen, before it is imagined or done.
Let that sink in.
The most excellent mental pictures come from the Spirit
Joshua Sweet it, he saw the victory and he never stopped seeing Victories. That why baby could talk to the Sun and the moon to stay one place.
Let that sink in
That's the surest way to achieve God's Vision
You're God's heir.
Take time to plan and weigh all the variables knowing that God will bring what He started in you.

Thank You folks.
Tune in again next week for another episode of #SaturdaySonesis
Many Blessings and Agape.