A history lesson + a call to action...
#vagov #vapol #fundourschools
Daily, I ask myself multiple times, "is this best for kids? If not, how can we make it better?"
When people and organizations argue about small things like, who will speak first or if the chicken should be fried or baked, I always ask, "how is this helping the kids?"
(yes, these arguments happen, a lot!!)
Our Youth Ambassadors have something to say about school modernization and I can't wait to announce that soon.
During Reconstruction and to be (re)admitted into the Union, confederate states were compelled to offer public education.
Virginia was one of the last three states to be readmitted, BTW. And this is where things get really interesting...
“the constitution of Virginia shall never be amended or changed as to deprive any citizen or class of citizens of the United States of the school rights and privileges secured by the constitution of said State.”
It wasn't because Virginians wanted to be on the right side of history. It's because the Federal Government required it.
REPLACE 'equal' with 'equitable'
Did we learn ANYTHING from the travesty of Plessy v Ferguson?
Equal has no place in my Constitution or Education Systems.
"Seek to ensure..." is super vague and has given legislators a convenient way to disinvest in public education over the years.
Y'all, our kids can't wait for legislators to attempt to invest more into our schools. Attempting it like talking to me about practice...
It's game time!
To stop failing kids, legislators need to remove "seek to ensure".
#valeg #vapol #vagov #FundOurSchools